Distributors with high-volume warehouses will benefit from new features in the Work Order picking and shipping process. Pick Slips will indicate the quantity to pick, which may have been automatically reduced from the original ordered quantity in situations where stock availability is insufficient. Pickers will know before they arrive at the stocking bin how many units they should short-pick. Also, a new time-saving workflow step has been added to the processing of discrepancies on the shipping confirmation document.
ComCept .Net allows you to indicate that you wish Pick Slips and Shipments to automatically be reduced when there is insufficient stock to fulfill an order. In Preferences, on the Documents page, place a check in the box next to the “Automatically reduce quantities…” option, as seen here:

Within 5 minutes of making this change, all Work Orders will begin reducing quantities on Pick Slips to that of what is available. It is best to plan making this change after business hours so all Work Orders are created consistently for that day.
Work Orders and Picking¶
When this preference is selected Pick Slips will populate the “Picked” column, which is a recommendation to the warehouse picker. Even if there is more product in the bin than listed on the pick slip, pickers should only pull quantities on the pick slip. NOTE: For ComCept users that do not use this preference setting the picked column on the picking slip remains empty.

Column 1 is the quantity ordered, directly from the Work Order. Column 1 is the actual order amount from the client. Column 2 is the calculated quantity to pick. Column 3 is for writing in an alternate picked quantity, when the actual stock quantity won’t supply the recommended picking quantity.
As warehouse pickers pull items from bins, if they can pull the number of units indicated, they simply circle the value in the
Picked field. This means the entire line was satisfied. If there is insufficient product to fulfill the indicated quantity, then the actual quantity picked is written in the empty column next to
Picked. If there is sufficient stock to pull, the entire pick slip will have circles on all the
Picked values.
After an order has been picked, warehouse personnel must relieve inventory with a Shipping document. The shipment screen will remember what was printed on the Pick Slip in the Picked column initially and automatically display the printed quantities. The picker only needs to modify the lines on the shipment screen where the Pick Slip contains hand-written quantities, which are easy to spot. Every other line should be correct; this reduces time spent correcting quantities on this screen.
- Even though the Pick Slip will recommend proper quantities to pick, and the shipment screen will remember these quantities, it is still highly recommended that pickers and customer service representatives scan through the shipment items to verify quantities.
- The quantities to pick are calculated based on Available inventory (Quantity On Hand – Quantity Committed) at the moment the Pick Slip is printed. These same values are also placed on the shipped column of the shipment UI. If quantities on the Work Order are changed after a pick slip is printed, a new Pick Slip must be printed and the old one discarded.