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Page Revision: 05/23/2012 10:42 AM

OrderLinx .NET Access & Order Processing Instructions

This document is intended to provide a step-by-step procedure for successfully for establishing OrderLinx accounts in ComCept .NET to allow for customer ordering and self-service document retrieval in OrderLinx.

In order to set up a customer for OrderLinx, the ComCept .NET user must be at Security Level 5 or greater – this gives them access to the Customer area within ComCept .NET and consequently the ability to provide customer access to OrderLinx.

OrderLinx Customer Setup

In ComCept .NET LD (local data version):

1. Navigate to the Customer area by selecting Customers in the left-hand navigation bar
2. Search and select the customer for which you want to provide access to OrderLinx
3. With the customer selected, click on the “OrderLinx Setup” link on the right margin of the page – an OrderLinx .NET setup dialog box will appear.
4. Select the Add Login button. 
5. Follow the steps here.


There are three security Profiles for OrderLinx users:

  1. ExtranetView – provides limited access to OrderLinx functionality – can “view” orders only.
  2. ExtranetShopManager – can generate and edit orders and access invoices, statements, and VOC reports for single shop only.
  3. ExtranetShopOverall - provides maximum access to OrderLinx functionality – can generate and edit orders and access invoices, statements, and VOC reports for all shop locations (of a multi-location shop). 

OrderLinx Functions

With the customer set up, he can now login to OrderLinx .NET by navigating to www.orderlinx.net and entering his credentials, plus your Vendor Code.  Your Vendor Code is a unique code that you will need to provide for them.  You will need to get this code from ComCept. 

Upon entering OrderLinx, the customer will see the order queue of orders placed through OrderLinx (therefore, first-time users will have no orders in the queue).  The orders can be filtered by order status using the check boxes in the Order Search area.  By default, all order statuses are checked.  There is a description of the various order statuses in the lower part of the Order dialog box.  With orders in the queue, each order can be viewed by clicking on the order number and, depending upon the status, can be edited and properly work-flowed.


Customers can place orders by having the system generate a suggested order or by adding items directly to an order. If it is a single shop simply selecting the "Add New" button will begin a new order; if it is a multi-location shop, select the location for which the order should be placed and then select the "Add New" button.

System Generated Orders

In order to begin creating a System Generate Order, select the “Add from Usage” button which is located right under the location's address on the orders screen. A web dialog box will appear. Here, the user can generate a suggested order based on his purchases (orders from traditional ordering as well as OrderLinx orders are included in the calculation of the suggested order). To generate a suggested order:

  1. Enter the number of days in the Usage History Length box – this is the number of days that OrderLinx will use to provide the usage basis for the suggested order.
  2. Enter the number of days Order Days Supply box – this is the number of days for which the order is intended to meet the demand of the shop.
  3. Check or Uncheck the Show items already on the order checkbox.
  4. Select the Suggest button.

Once the suggested order is on the screen, the user has the ability to:

  1. Sort the order by any of the column headings
  2. Scroll down to see addition items
  3. Change the quantity of the item
  4. To see the actual usage of a particular item, click on the Item and a 24 Month Purchase History will be displayed
  5. Select individual items to add to the order or select the top most checkbox to select all of the items
  6. With the proper items selected at the desired quantity, click the “Add Selected” button and those items will be added to the order

To add specific items after the suggested items are added:

  1. Type in an Item Code and select the correct item
  2. Enter a quantity
  3. Click the Add button and the item is added to the order.  

If the user doesn't know the specific item code:


  1. Select the Item Lookup link.  The item lookup popup window will appear.
  2. Here the user can use one or all of the eight search criteria to find the part number.  Note:  This feature allows a user to enter a “%” sign in front of any characters in the search fields to find items that contain the characters, not just start with the characters
  3. When the desired item is located, the user can add the item to the order by clicking the icon to the left of the item and the item will be placed in the add item box where the UOM and quantity can be selected.
  4. Click the Add button and the item will be added to the order.

With the items on the order, the user still has the ability to change the quantity of an item, add an item, or delete the item completely (by clicking the red “X” on the left-hand side of the order). With the order correct, the user can now:

  1. Print the order by selecting the Print button
  2. Submit the order – this “sends” the order to the jobber system for processing (it actually is not sent, but moved to a new status within the jobber database).  With the order submitted, the jobber will process the order according to his rules.  This is covered in the next section.
  3. Cancel the order – this cancels the order and is left in the system as a canceled order.

To add items to a new order without using the Suggested Order feature, simply close the Suggested Order dialog box when it appears and use the Add Item button as described above. 

Order Cloning

Any order previously created can be duplicated and submitted as a new order. 

To Clone an order:

  1. From the Orders Section of Orderlinx click on the Order ID that you wish to duplicate.
  2. With the order displayed on the screen click the "Clone Order" button. "Click one time only"
  3. Click "OK" on the "Order Successfully Cloned" message to go to the new order.
  4. The newly created order can be added to, quantities changed, items removed... etc.
  5. NOTE:  PO numbers and Customer Notes will also be cloned into the new order.  Be sure to modify these values as need on the new order.


By selecting Reports in the left-hand navigation area of OrderLinx, a customer can retrieve and print:

  1. Statement – a current statement of the customer’s account
  2. Invoice/Credit – an invoice or credit that you have issued to them. The customer will need to know the invoice or credit number to retrieve and print the document.
  3. Orders In Progress - lists all of the orders that have been accepted by the vendor
  4. Transaction Detail - Prints the details of a specific transaction or a date range of transactions.
  5. VOC Report – a report show the customer’s VOC usage from items purchased from you
  6. Customizable Item Usage - Prints up to 4 customizable time periods of item usage.
  7. Item Usage - Prints 12 months of item usage.
  8. Customer Bin Labels - Prints customer bin labels on a standard 3 by 10 layout
  9. Customer Bin Labels 3x1 - Prints customer bin labels on a custom format.
  10. Customizable Inventory Labels / 3 Across Listing - Prints custom item labels on a standard 3 by 10 layout
  11. Customizable 3x1 Inventory Labels - Prints custom item labels on a custom format.
  12. Sales by Grouped Product Groups (for Excel) - Prints a list of sales for a specific 12 month period.


This section allows the customer to edit or view the following:

  1. Change the password
  2. Automatically display the Usage History popup when a new order is created
  3. View the vendor contact information
  4. Add or Manage the technicians

Processing Submitted Orders

To process a submitted order, follow the instruction here


Accept All - (with built in "Print All" as picking ticket functionality)

Processing Orderlinx orders now has additional functionality to accept all orders with status of "Released" at once. Orders can still be processed as Work Orders or as Invoices (described above) using this feature.  Either way will still give you a complete order print-out in a pick list format.  

Accept All Procedure:

  1. Select the Select / Deselect All checkbox.
  2. Enter your Employee Number.
  3. Choose to process as Work Orders or Invoices.
  4. The displayed Report will automatically be brought up on your screen.  Report contains all processed orders in a pick list format.
  5. Archive the the displayed report as a PDF file for retrieval at a later time if needed.
  6. Print the report.  

Tech Tip on Accept/Print all procedure:  Step 6, listed above is VERY important.  Once you close the report displayed on your screen it cannot be retrieved again.  The only way to recall the report is to save it locally as a PDF document.
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