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Page Revision: 09/03/2024 10:47 AM

Manufacture Batch

ComCept has created a module to allow users to convert raw materials into finished goods. Properly set up, this module will remove consumed materials, increase sellable products, and properly account for them. Manufacture Batch contains two distinct processes, Formula and Manufacture Batch. A Formula is essentially a template or starting point for a Manufacture Batch, all Batches require a Formula.


There are currently two types of formulas, Product and Packaging. Product formulas are designed to be the main product (ex: paint thinner). Packaging formulas are optional formulas that can be associated with a finished good in a Manufacture Batch. These formulas allow a user to associate specific packaging costs into the price of the finished good (ex: 55 gallon drums and locking lids).

Security Permissions

• Formula_Save - Allows users to add/edit existing Formulas

• Formula_View - Allows users to see the Formula Page

Formula Home page


1. Search for formulas using filtering criteria:
a. Name - Allows the user to search for any piece of the name
b. Description - Allows the user to search for any piece of the description
c. Ingredient – Allows the user to find a formula based on an item in the formula
d. Formula Type - Product or Packing formula types
e. Active Formulas Only

2. Select the Search button after selecting your filtering criteria to display the formulas that meet the users search filters.

3. Select the Clear button to clear all the filtering options.

4. Select the Edit icon to edit a formula. 

5. Select the Add New button to create a new formula. 

Formula Details page


NOTE: When adding a new Formula a user must save after the Name and Type are filled in, due to architecture reasons. Once the save occurs the Input and Output Materials sections will become active.

1. Name of Formula - Required

2. Description of Formula

3. Formula Type - Required

a. Product - requires at least one Input Material and one Output Material. They are used as the starting points of a batch.
b. Packaging - a Formula that can help associate packing cost to a specific Output material.

4. Input Materials - These will be the items consumed in the process

a. Users can add any Inventory or Non-Inventory item (Preference permitting).
b. Select the red X to remove an item from the Input Materials grid.

5. Output Materials (applies for Product formulas only)

a. Users can add any Inventory or Non-Inventory item (Preference permitting).
b. Select the red X to remove an item from the Input Materials grid.
c. Percentage - This field allocates the cost of input materials to the various output materials. The percentage should add up to 100.00% For example: The total Input cost of materials is 100 dollars and there are two Output Materials. Output Material 1 has 75% and Output Material 2 has 25%. When a Manufacture Batch is completed that uses this Formula, 75 dollars of the cost will go to Output Material 1 and 25 will go to Output Material 2.
d. Packaging - Optional - This field allows a user to select another Formula (Packaging Type) and associate it with an Output Material. This association will be used to apply additional packaging cost to only this Output Material.

6. Save - saves any changes made to the Formula

7. Discard - removes any changes made to the Formula

8. Return To List - returns the user to the Formula's search screen

Note: You will be prompted to Save or Discard any changes if you have not already before you can leave the formula details screen using Return To List

Once your Formula is created, you can use it to create a Manufacture Batch. Here is a guide on how to get started: Manufacture Batch Documentation
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