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Page Revision: 12/07/2021 10:24 AM

Windows 11 Compromises

As of the time of this writing, Windows 11 is the latest Windows version from Microsoft.  Windows 11 made significant changes to Internet Explorer, which affects the performance of ComCept .Net.  Internet Explorer now runs inside Microsoft Edge, and it causes Internet Explorer-based applications to behave differently.

We recently made some code changes to overcome the differences.  ComCept .Net now runs in Windows 11, but it is a degraded experience.  Here are the major changes:

- The ComCept .Net installer requires some manual steps to be performed afterward, this will require careful coordination with ComCept support staff.

- ComCept .Net can no longer force new browser windows to hide elements like toolbars.  This means toolbars and messy warnings will be visible at all times, and pop-up windows will sometimes open in unexpected locations on the screen.

- We can no longer support Print Preview on Point-of-Sale documents. This is because we no longer have complete control over the printer from a browser.

- Point-of-Sale documents no longer target your default printers automatically.

- The layout of some Point-of-Sale documents changed slightly. This is because we now render them with a report instead of the HTML printouts that were used before.

- The Edge browser *must* run ComCept in Internet Explorer mode - this has to be done manually, and Edge will repeatedly ask you to leave this mode.

- The Home page loads more slowly

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