Here you can search through the pages of this Namespace, their attachments and the files uploaded to the system.
Note: the results will only display the items you have permissions to read.
[...] used during the Inventory Adjustment process once a batch is complete.
Manufacture Batch Home screen: This page is where the formulas will affect inventory once the batch is complete. Users can alter the batch; any alterations will not be reflected in the original formula. 1. Search for batches using filtering criteria: Batch Name - Allows the user to search for any piece of the name Formula Name – Allows the user to search by any existing formula within a batch Ingredient – Allows the user to find a formula based on an item in [...]
[...] point for a Manufacture Batch, all Batches require a Formula.
Formulas There are currently two types of formulas, Product and Packaging. Product formulas are designed to be the main product (ex: paint thinner). Packaging formulas are optional formulas that can be associated with a finished good in a Manufacture Batch. These formulas allow a user to associate specific packaging costs into the price of the finished good (ex: 55 gallon drums and locking lids).
Security Permissions • Formula_Save - Allows users to add/edit existing Formulas [...]
This feature allows a price or the published cost to be increased or decreased based on a percentage of itself or another price or the published cost. For example, you can make Price Level 1 10% less than the list price. To use this feature, 1) Select the locations to update, 2) Select which item(s) to update, and 3) Select which prices to update. Locations to Update Update Master UOM Local Inventory Items All Locations Updated Items for all locations will be updated regardless of whether they use master-level pricing. All Master Pricing [...]
[...] Receive Payments from the Navigation Bar or from the Drop Down Menu Accounts Receivable . Payments Screen This is the Open Batches screen with the Payments screen in the background. Each time you enter the Payments task the Open Batches dialog window is display. This window is used to either open an existing payment batch (i.e. select batch #5885) or start a new batch (i.e. select the (Create New) button). The payments you post will then be grouped withiin the payment batch you selected. This shows the [...]
[...] partial shipments and invoices.
The 4 processing options
Print Pick Slip: Generates a batch of Picking Tickets ready to be pulled, shipped and invoiced. Close: Will let you select work orders to close in mass. Ship: Will let you create 100% filled shipments based on the Work Orders Selected. Remove items from existing Bins Ship/Invoice: Will let you Ship and Invoice multiple Work Orders as 100% filled.
4 types of orders are visible on this interface:
Point of Sale orders: These are manually created [...]
[...] from the Drop Down Menu Accounts Receivable.
Search For Customers
The Search For Customers screen is the first screen that is displayed when the Customers task is selected. This screen is used to search for customers that exist on the system. Individual customers can then be selected for inquiry or editing from those displayed.
The work area or screen area is made up of the following three sections:
The search fields (top center).
[...] document is the actual Work Order Picking Ticket for the Shipping Location. From this point use the Create Shipment function from work Order screen. Utilize the Receipt Worksheet to receive the shipment and have product relocate from shipping location to destination location.
Quick Transfer flow:
Generate the Order Perform any initial quantity changes or add new items as needed. Use Advanced Reports "Pending PO and Xfer Worksheet" to print the Quick Transfer worksheet to use as a picking ticket for the order. [...]
Returned Goods PO is used to send goods back to the vendor to receive a credit.
Navigation to the Screen
Select Create PO/Xfer from the Navigation Bar or from the Drop Down Menu Purchasing .
Returned Goods Purchase Order Screen
RGPOs are part of the Purchase Order screen. Select Returned Goods from the PO Type dropdown.
It is important the User and the Location are correct because multiple users and locations can be accessed from the same computer. These are located [...]
[...] 2. Proper cases Item Description text
ex. 123 GOLD PAINT - > 123 Gold Paint Below is an example of how a label displays with the parameters selected: [...]
[...] from the Navigation Bar or from the Drop Down Menu Purchasing .
Purchase Order Screen
This is the Purchase Orders/Xfers screen.
It is important the User and the Location are correct because multiple users and locations can be accessed from the same computer. These are located in the top right area of the screen.
The purchase orders/xfers screen is made up of six areas:
Vendor and shipping [...]
[...] handled through the CDN Data Maintenance Application. This guide steps the user through the process of setting up and running a PricePro update. This functionality provides the user total control of what and when to have an update take place. It can be run as many times as needed between the dates prior to the next available update for that manufacturer. This also makes available the ability to add the new part numbers made available by the manufacturer between the previous and current update.
What does PricePro NOT update?
Any item [...]
[...] Bar or from the Drop Down Menu Purchasing .
Search for Manufacturers
The Search For Manufacturers screen is the first screen that is displayed when the Manufacturers task is selected. This screen is used to search for Manufacturers that exist on the system. Individual Manufacturers can then be selected for inquiry or editing from those displayed.
The work area or screen area is made up of the following three sections:
The search fields (top center). [...]
[...] Navigation Bar or from the Drop Down Menu Purchasing .
Search For Vendors
The Search For Vendors screen is the first screen that is displayed when the Vendors task is selected. This screen is used to search for Vendors that exist on the system. Individual Vendors can then be selected for inquiry or editing from those displayed.
The work area or screen area is made up of the following three sections:
The search fields (top center).
The screen [...]
[...] add new bins to the customer's bin tree CustomerInventory_BinGet - Allows the bin tree to display all of the bins. CustomerInventory_BinUpdate - Allows the user to update the details of a bin. CustomerInventory_ItemAdd - Allows the user to add new items to bins. CustomerInventory_ItemCopy - Allows the user to copy items from one bin to another bin. CustomerInventory_ItemDelete - Allows the user to remove the item from the customer bin. CustomerInventory_ItemEdit - Allows the user to edit the items that are in a bin. This allows the user to [...]
[...] un-posted invoices. This feature also allows a high-level employee to temporarily raise the credit limit of a customer for a specific document and a specific amount. Credit Holds only apply to customers with a credit limit, and whose credit status is listed as “Good”. Please note that this feature trumps the existing credit override permissions. Setup
Customer Maintenance Verify that the customer’s Credit Limit is specified. The Credit Limit is used to determine the maximum amount of credit you are willing to extend the customer before [...]
[...] Customer Message
A free form Customer Message can be keyed in this box and will be printed in the body of the Invoice below the Balance Due line.
Note: The customer messages that are maintained in the Customer task screen can be selected to also print on the invoice.
General Notes
The General Notes are display only. They appear after the first item number has been selected. This note is generated using the information in the terms code assigned to the customer.
Invoice Tax and Totals Boxes
The invoice tax and totals boxes [...]
[...] Associated Permissions CustomerCountSheet_AddAll - Allows the user to create a customer count sheet out of the customer's inventory CustomerCountSheet_AddBlank - Allows the user to create an empty customer count sheet CustomerCountSheet_AddUsage - Allows the user to see the usage of an item CustomerCountSheet_CreateOrder - Allows the user to create a Work Order out of the customer count sheet CustomerCountSheet_Delete - Allows the user to delete the customer count sheet CustomerCountSheet_ItemAdd - Allows the user [...]
[...] uasge or see the order's history ExtranetCustomer_OrderView - Allows the user to see the order list screen
Opening CollisionLinx
1 Open an internet browser. IE is the supported browser.
2 Type into the URL field.
3 Type the vendor code into the Vendor field.
4 Type the login into the Login field.
5 Type the password into the Password field.
6 Select the Login button.
Navigating to the Orders Screen
Select the Orders tab.
Order List Screen
Section Descriptions:
[...] to order.
Associated Permissions
CustomerCountSheet_AddAll - create a customer count sheet out of the customer's inventory CustomerCountSheet_AddBlank - create an empty customer count sheet CustomerCountSheet_AddUsage - see the usage of an item CustomerCountSheet_CreateOrder - create a Work Order out of the customer count sheet CustomerCountSheet_Delete - delete the customer count sheet CustomerCountSheet_ItemAdd - add items to the customer count sheet CustomerCountSheet_ItemDelete - delete items on the [...]
Payroll Budgeting Training Documentation Introduction
Payroll Budgeting is the process of measuring estimated and actual payroll expense against projected and realized sales. It is an activity that keeps managers informed of profitability and allows them to proactively manage payroll costs. This documentation outlines the proper use of the ComCept Payroll budgeting module. Documentation is segmented by audience type, and covers all aspects of Payroll Budgeting, from preparation [...]
ComCept.NET Time Clock functions will be updated as of 08‐29‐2010
Please click on the release notes tab for full information. New screen designs with improved editing/adding functionality are now in place. There is no longer a need to run overtime calculations after all times have been accumulated and edited if needed. All overtime calculations are now virtual with the reports and batch processes. There are also Info links next to many of the fields giving the user some helpful tips. NOTE: most users are [...]
[...] add new bins to the customer's bin tree CustomerInventory_BinGet - Allows the bin tree to display all of the bins. CustomerInventory_BinUpdate - Allows the user to update the details of a bin. CustomerInventory_ItemAdd - Allows the user to add new items to bins. CustomerInventory_ItemCopy - Allows the user to copy items from one bin to another bin. CustomerInventory_ItemDelete - Allows the user to remove the item from the customer bin. CustomerInventory_ItemEdit - Allows the user to edit the items that are in a bin. This allows the user to [...]
[...] Pricing Documentation Revision History 6/21/2011 - Initial revision by Rob Gamble 6/28/2011 - Updated screen shots by Rob Gamble 1/18/2013 - Added support for Minimum Price Summary ComCept .Net allows flexible promotional pricing, and introduces a powerful Price Lookup that simplifies and explains even the most advanced pricing structures. Promotional Pricing DEFINITION Promotional Pricing allows you to create system-wide price profiles that apply to all customers. These promotional price profiles allow you to define quantity break discounts as well as dated special [...]
[...] PO/Xfer task is selected, the Search for Open PO/Transfer window is the displayed inside the Manage Bills screen. This search window is used to locate and open the desire PO/Transfer to be received.
This is the Search for Open PO/Transfer window.
Type: Select the desired purchase order type (i.e. Purchase Order, Returned Goods, or Transfer Order ).
By Vendor/Location: Select the desired Vendor (for types Purchase Order or Returned Goods ) or the desired location (for type Transfer Order ) for the search. All open purchase/transfer orders automatically display.
By [...]
[...] CollisionLinx 3. With the customer selected, click on the “CollisionLinx Setup” link on the right margin of the page – an CollisionLinx .NET setup dialog box will appear. 4. Select the Add Login button. 5. Follow the steps here .
There are three security Profiles for CollisionLinx users:
ExtranetView – provides limited access to CollisionLinx functionality – can “view” orders only. ExtranetShopManager – can generate and edit orders and access invoices, statements, and VOC reports for single shop only. ExtranetShopOverall - provides maximum access to CollisionLinx [...]
[...] Code Search Rules for a complete discussion on this setting.
Always-Visible Buttons on Work Order Screen There are many print options on the work order screen, so these buttons have been grouped into menus. The goal is to free up screen space while maintaining a single-click experience.
One button in each group is always visible and can be accessed without opening the menu, and you may select which button to use on this preferences tab. The "Work Order Print" button group contains all standard work order [...]
[...] full overview: Security Changes 2018 - Phase I
Security Changes 2018 - Phase II
Phasing Out of Security Levels In 2018, ComCept .Net began phasing out security levels. Levels 1-3 were phased out in June 2018. Levels 4-6 were phased out in September 2018. See cross reference of Security Levels 1-3 and the individual security permissions that support them here .
Security Levels There are two ways to grant users access to functions in ComCept. You can either set the user's Security Level or you can grant them a Permission through [...]
[...] not be available to other users until they log off .Net and then log back on.
Search For Employees Screen
The Search For Employees Screen is the first screen that is displayed when the Employees task is selected. This screen is used to search for employees that exist on the system. Individual employees can then be selected for inquiry or editing from those displayed.
Also, new employees can be added by using the Add New button.
The work area or screen [...]
[...] comma (,) PSD Truckload order (must be full case) Send PO via the Internet From the Create PO/Xfer screen (with the Purchase Order to be sent displayed on the screen) from the Action menu select Send PO via Internet Send Multiple PO’s via Internet To send more than one PO via the Internet, each PO must use all have the same shipping instructions and payment terms. You can not send a UPS order and Freight order on the same send. If the PO’s are PSD, they must each be a PSD order on their own. Sending multiple PO’s is designed so that [...]
Create Shipment
This screen is accessed by selecting the Create Shipment icon or from the Actions drop down menu from the Work Orders Screen while in an open Work Order.
Shipping Screen
Adjustments can be made as required before continuing.
Selecting Actions Create Invoice, Print , or Save Shipment or displays the Please enter an Employee Number window. Enter your employee number and select (OK) to continue. [...]