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This search, performed through 6.32 MB (318 documents, 6426 words), completed in 0.5 seconds and yielded 30 results.

Manufacture Batch Documentation — 28.0%

[...] for a Manufacture Batch, all Batches require a Formula. This page is where the formulas will affect inventory once the batch is complete. Users can alter the batch, any alterations will not be reflected in the original formula. For further information on how to create a Formula, here is a guide on how to get started: Formula Documentation Security Permissions to create Manufacture Batches: • Formula_Manufacture_Delete - Allows users to delete an existing batch • Formula_Manufacture_Save - Allows users to create, edit, and delete items [...]

Formulas Documentation — 14.0%

[...] Output Material. They are used as the starting points of a batch. b. Packaging - a Formula that can help associate packing cost to a specific Output material. 4. Input Materials - These will be the items consumed in the process a. Users can add any Inventory or Non-Inventory item (Preference permitting). b. Select the red X to remove an item from the [...]

Manufacture Batch Documentation — 4.0%

Update Item Pricing — 4.0%

[...] item(s) to update, and 3) Select which prices to update. Locations to Update Update Master UOM Local Inventory Items All Locations Updated Items for all locations will be updated regardless of whether they use master-level pricing. All Master Pricing Locations Updated Only items for locations using master pricing will be updated. Non-Master Pricing Location(s) Not Updated Only items for the selected location(s) not using master pricing will be updated. Items to Update Update by Local Inventory [...]

Customer Inventory Help Documentation — 1.5%

Customer Inventory Customer Inventory is used to maintain the customer's inventory, bins and populate customer count sheets. Associated Permissions CustomerInventory_BinAdd - Allows the user to add new bins to the customer's bin tree CustomerInventory_BinGet - Allows the bin tree to display all of the bins. CustomerInventory_BinUpdate - Allows the user to update the details of a bin. CustomerInventory_ItemAdd - Allows the user to add new items to bins. CustomerInventory_ItemCopy - Allows the user to copy [...]

Manage Generated PO/XFers Help Documentation — 1.4%

[...] also "Release" the order. If "Release" is selected you can then select "Print" as well. The printed document is the actual Work Order Picking Ticket for the Shipping Location. From this point use the Create Shipment function from work Order screen. Utilize the Receipt Worksheet to receive the shipment and have product relocate from shipping location to destination location. Quick Transfer flow: Generate the Order Perform any initial quantity changes or add new items as needed. Use Advanced Reports "Pending PO and Xfer Worksheet" to print the Quick Transfer worksheet [...]

Document Upload in Document Generation — 1.4%

PO Upload Feature for Document Generation You can now upload purchase orders, returned goods POs and transfers to ComCept from a spreadsheet.  This is done in the Document Generation (Doc Gen) feature of ComCept .Net from an empty batch instead of one that was calculated by usage.  Steps involved are as follows: Create an empty Document Generation Doc Gen batch. Download the Document Upload [...]

CollisionLinx Inventory Help Documentation — 1.3%

CollisionLinx Inventory CollisionLinx Inventory is used to maintain the customer's inventory, bins and populate CollisionLinx count sheets. Associated Permissions CustomerInventory_BinAdd - Allows the user to add new bins to the customer's bin tree CustomerInventory_BinGet - Allows the bin tree to display all of the bins. CustomerInventory_BinUpdate - Allows the user to update the details of a bin. CustomerInventory_ItemAdd - Allows the user to add new items to bins. CustomerInventory_ItemCopy - Allows [...]

Adjust Transfers Examples and Process — 1.0%

[...] shipped, the item on hand is decreased at the shipping location by the quantity entered on the shipping document. When the transfer order is received by the location requesting the inventory, the item on hand is increased at the receiving location by the quantity entered on the receipt document. When the receiving location enters a different quantity on the receipt document than what was shipped, the system creates an item discrepancy. The item in discrepancy is then listed on the Adjust [...]

Verify Count — 0.9%

[...] Order, or before you put away the goods on a PO receipt, you can use a barcode scanner to count the inventory and verify that the shipment contains what you expected. Note: This feature is a tool, and will assist you in verifying counts on documents, but it will not prevent you from shipping or receiving incorrect quantities.  It is intended for users who are trying to catch mistakes in picking or incoming goods. Most documents in ComCept .Net will allow you to verify quantities, including: Work Order Shipment (from WO, transfer, consignment, etc.) Purchase Order [...]

Returned Goods Purchase Order Help Documentation — 0.8%

[...] printed on the purchase order along with the CDN Item Number. Also, a vendor part entered in the Master Inventory task in the Unit of Measure/Pricing section will automatically fill this field when the unit of measure is selected. Item Number Select the desired item using either the Item Number or the Item Description columns. Item Number column: Item Description column: % wild card character: You can also use the down arrow to open the item or description drop down box and then scroll search for the desired item. This can be inefficient for item files [...]

Promotional Pricing Documentation — 0.7%

Promotional Pricing Documentation Revision History 6/21/2011 - Initial revision by Rob Gamble 6/28/2011 - Updated screen shots by  Rob Gamble 1/18/2013 - Added support for Minimum Price Summary ComCept .Net allows flexible promotional pricing, and introduces a powerful Price Lookup that simplifies and explains even the most advanced pricing structures. Promotional Pricing DEFINITION Promotional Pricing allows you to create system-wide price profiles that apply to all customers.  These promotional price profiles allow you to define quantity break discounts as well [...]

PricePro Instructions and Setup — 0.7%

[...] receive an update from a PricePro update. The image below is a typical setup of an item in "Master Inventory". The "Vendor Part" number for this item is accessed by "Edit" of the Unit of Measures for that item. Only the UOM that matches the published UOM for that item from a manufacturer should be populated with the Vendor Part number. Be Advised: If the same Vendor Part is associated to other UOM's for that item they will all be updated with the same pricing even though one may be a "Case" while another is the actual "Gallon" within that case of 4.   [...]

Mobile Inventory and CDN — 0.7%

Using Mobile Inventory with ComCept.Net Below is how the different Mobile Inventory location types work within ComCept.Net (CDN). Mobile Inventory Location Types WMS Warehouse All Mobile functionality: Receiving, Put Away, Picking, Item Lookup, Bin Move, Count Sheets Multiple bin associations per item. WMS Store Only Mobile functionality: Receiving, Picking, Item Lookup, Count Sheets Single bin associations per item. New to WMS Store - Free-form Scan Free-form Scan mode will not walk users through [...]

Mobile Suite - Count Sheets Help Documentation — 0.7%

[...] the desired option from the Create Count Sheet by dropdown. There iso nly two valid options, Customer Inventory and Blank. Customer Inventory will take all of the active and non active items from the customer inventory and populate the count sheet with those items in their respective bins. Blank will add no items to the count sheet. Customer Inventory is the recommended option. 7 Select the > button or select Next from the Action menu. Note: The stock levels from the Customer [...]

Invoice Help Documentation Part 2 — 0.7%

[...] This is determined using a combination of the Taxes task under Company , Tax Group field in the Master Inventory task under Company , and the Tax Model field in the Customers task under Accounts Receivable . These totals are report to the tax jurisdiction by printing the Sales Tax ' report. Total Tax: This is the total of all sales tax for all jurisdictions on the invoice. Total: This is the total of the extended items selling prices and all taxes. This is the total that is added to the accounts receivable. Balance Due: This is the remaining amount owed on the [...]

Preferences Inventory Help Documentation — 0.6%

Inventory Preferences Company Settings Allow Multiple Document Types in Document Generation This setting allows the Purchasing Document Generation process generate Purchase Orders, [...]

Navigation - CollisionLinx page — 0.6%

How to setup a New CollisionLinx Customer Purchase Profile Help Documentation [...]

Taxes Help Documentation — 0.5%

[...] below. Item Tax Groups: These are defined by selecting the appropriate Tax Items for a group of inventory items. The desired Item Tax Group for an item is then selected using the Tax Group drop down box in the Master Inventory task. Customer Tax Models: These are defined by selecting the appropriate Tax Items to create a tax model for a group of customers. The desired Customer Tax Model for a customer is then selected using the Tax Model drop down box in the Customers task. Tax Items The Tax Items define the various taxing [...]

Customer Count Sheet Help Documentation — 0.5%

[...] Sheets   Customer count sheets are designed for salesmen to go into a bodyshop and count the shop's inventory in order to establish their current levels and what the shop needs to order. Associated Permissions CustomerCountSheet_AddAll - Allows the user to create a customer count sheet out of the customer's inventory CustomerCountSheet_AddBlank - Allows the user to create an empty customer count sheet CustomerCountSheet_AddUsage - Allows the user to see the usage of an item CustomerCountSheet_CreateOrder - Allows the user to create a Work [...]

Everything that changes Inventory Levels - Grouped by Documents — 0.5%

This document is separated by document types.   The first column describes the action.   The second column describes what happens to the inventory.   There are four different quantities per inventory item, On hands, Committed, On order and Available.   All of the actions effect the committed, on hand and/or on order quantities.   The available quantity is a calculated value.   The calculation is on hands minus committed quantities (OH – Committed).     Legacy             [...]

Mobile Suite - Signatures Help Documentation — 0.5%

[...] invoices and shipments. These signatures will be sent back to the shop and any subsequent printout of the document will have the customers signature on it. Add a New Document The Signatures application consists of four screens: Signature List , Signature Add , Signature Collect ,  Signature Summary .   1  From the main menu, select the Signatures button to enter into the Signatures application and access the Signature List screen.   2 You are now on the Signature List screen. Any collected signatures will be listed on this screen, sorted [...]

Customers Help Documentation — 0.5%

[...] here  for details. Is Vendor: Select this box to indicate that this is a valid vendor for use in Inventory, Pricing, and Purchasing tasks. Is Manufacturer: Select this box to indicate that this is a valid manufacturer for use in Inventory, Pricing, and Purchasing tasks. Customer Address and Contact Address 1: This is the first line of the customer’s address. Address 2: This is the second line of the customer’s address. City: This is the city for the customer’s address. State: This is the state for the customer’s address. [...]

CollisionLinx Count Sheets Help Documentation — 0.5%

[...] Sheets   CollisionLinx count sheets are designed for the body shop or salesmen to count the shop's inventory in order to establish their current levels and what the shop needs to order. Associated Permissions CustomerCountSheet_AddAll - create a customer count sheet out of the customer's inventory CustomerCountSheet_AddBlank - create an empty customer count sheet CustomerCountSheet_AddUsage - see the usage of an item CustomerCountSheet_CreateOrder - create a Work Order out of the customer count sheet CustomerCountSheet_Delete - delete [...]

Attributes Help Documentation — 0.5%

Custom Attributes Custom Attributes are labels that you can assign to both Customer and Inventory records. They give you the ability to include, or exclude, specific customers or inventory items from reports. In example, an Attribute of "Discontinued Item" could be assigned to inventory items that the manufacturer no longer makes. Or, you could create a customer ranking system using Attributes of: Gold, Silver, Bronze. Example of a report using Custom Attributes filters: Customers with a Ranking of Gold or [...]

CollisionLinx Help Documentation — 0.5%

CollisionLinx .NET Access & Order Processing Instructions This document is intended to provide a step-by-step procedure for successfully for establishing CollisionLinx accounts in ComCept .NET to allow for customer ordering and self-service document retrieval in CollisionLinx. In order to set up a customer for CollisionLinx, the ComCept .NET user must be at Security Level 5 or greater – this gives them access to the Customer area within ComCept .NET and consequently the ability to provide customer access to CollisionLinx. CollisionLinx [...]

Security Permission to Security Level Map — 0.4%

[...] ü Navigate to the Invoice screen. POS_PONumber ü ü ü Set the PO number on a point of sale document POS_Print ü ü ü Print a point of sale document POS_PrintNew ü ü ü Print a point of sale document and open a new point of sale document afterward POS_ConsignmentCredit ü ü Allow user to change a consignment to a Consignment Credit. POS_Credit_Save ü ü Save Credits. POS_Credit_View ü ü Navigate to the Credit screen. POS_Credit_Void ü Void [...]

Purchase Order Help Documentation — 0.4%

[...] printed on the purchase order along with the CDN Item Number. Also, a vendor part entered in the Master Inventory task in the Unit of Measure/Pricing section will automatically fill this field when the unit of measure is selected. Item Number Select the desired item using either the Item Number or the Item Description columns. Item Number column: Item Description column: % wild card character: You can also use the down arrow to open the item or description drop down box and then scroll search for the desired item. This can [...]

Signatures-Documentation — 0.4%

[...] here:   This will display the Signature Pad, where a customer can read the agreement and sign the document.  Signatures can be captured with a mouse, a stylus, or even the customer’s finger if the page is displayed on a touch-screen PC.   If a signature has already been captured, the existing signature will be displayed instead of allowing a new signature to be captured. Note:  Capturing a signature on a Sales Order causes it to be sent to the server, where it can no longer be changed.  You should not collect a signature for a document [...]

A/R credit holds — 0.4%

[...] also allows a high-level employee to temporarily raise the credit limit of a customer for a specific document and a specific amount.  Credit Holds only apply to customers with a credit limit, and whose credit status is listed as “Good”. Please note that this feature trumps the existing credit override permissions.  Setup Customer Maintenance Verify that the customer’s Credit Limit is specified.  The Credit Limit is used to determine the maximum amount of credit you are willing to extend the customer before transactions are blocked. Security The Accounts Receivable [...]

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