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Page Revision: 05/29/2012 11:52 AM

Table of Contents [Hide/Show]

OrderLinx Orders
   Associated Permissions
   Opening OrderLinx
   Navigating to the Orders Screen
   Screen Descriptions
      Order List Screen
         Section 1 - Search Criteria
         Section 2 - Order Grid
         =Section 3 - Add New Order
      Create/Edit an Order
      Order Edit Screen
      Section 1 - Order Number
      Section 2 - Ship To
      Section 3 - Order Information
         Order Status
      Section 4 - Order Building and Tracking
         Add from Usage button
         View History button
      Section 5 - Action Buttons
         Submit button
         Cancel button
         Save button
         Print button
      Section 6 - Pending Items
         Item Lookup
      Section 7 - Item Grid
      Section 8 - Order Details
         Clone an order
      Edit an Existing Order
      Processing an Order
         Submitting an Order
         Cancel an Order

OrderLinx Orders


OrderLinx Orders allows the user to generate orders at the shop and send them directly their distributor.

Associated Permissions


Opening OrderLinx

1 Open an internet browser. IE is the supported browser.

2 Type orderlinx.net into the URL field.

3 Type the vendor code into the Vendor field.

4 Type the login into the Login field.

5 Type the password into the Password field.

6 Select the Login button.

Navigating to the Orders Screen

Select the Orders tab.


Screen Descriptions

Order List Screen


Section Descriptions:

  1. Search Criteria - This section displays all of the search parameters that can be used to find orders.
  2. Order Grid - This section displays all of the orders that meet the criteria of the search results.
  3. Add Order - This section allows the user to create a new order.

Section 1 - Search Criteria

This section defaults to the current bill to/ ship to, current month and all document statuses.

Section 2 - Order Grid

This section shows all of the orders that match the search criteria. The orders can be sorted by using clicking on the column header.

The Edit link allows the user to go to the Order Edit screen.

=Section 3 - Add New Order

This section allows the user to create new orders. If the user is a bill to user, thry will be able to see all ship tos. If the user is a ship to user, they can see all other ship tos if they have the correct permission.

Create/Edit an Order

Order Edit Screen

    The Order Edit screen allows the user to alter an order. Below is a disgram of all the sections.


Section Descriptions:

  1. Order Number - Provides the user with the order number that you are editing.
  2. Ship To - Displays the company name and address the order is going to be shipped to.
  3. Order Information - Displays information about the order.
  4. Order Building and Tracking - These buttons allow the user to automatically build orders and track the progress of an order.
  5. Action Buttons - These buttons allow the processing of an order.
  6. Pending Item - Shows the user the item they are about to add to an order.
  7. Item Grid - Displays all of the items already on the order
  8. Order Details - displays important information about the order.

Section 1 - Order Number


This sections only purpose is to display the order number.

Section 2 - Ship To

This section shwos the ship to information including the company name, address, phone number and fax number.

Section 3 - Order Information

This section displays some important information about the order.

Order Status

This tells the user what status the order currently is in.

Orders can be in one of eight different statuses.

  • Open - Orders that are in Open status are completely editible.
  • Cancelled - This means the order was cancelled by the OrderLinx user.
  • Released - The order was sent to the distributor.
  • Rejected - The distributor rejected the submitted order. The distributor should contact you with the reason why the order was rejected.
  • Ordered - means the distributor accepted the order and is busy preparing the order.
  • Shipped - means the order has been processed and is currently being delivered to the ship to location.
  • Invoiced - means the order has been invoiced and the distributor will be sending the invoice to the bill to shortly
  • Processing - Means the order is being worked on my a background task. This status will be rarely seen.

An order's natural flow of statuses is:

  1. Open
  2. Released
  3. Ordered
  4. Shipped
  5. Invoiced

Section 4 - Order Building and Tracking

These buttons are useful to build an order from usage or track the progression of an order.

Add from Usage button

The Add from Usage button brings up the screen below.


The screenshot above doesnt suggest any items, because this login to OrderLinx doesn't process orders constantly.

The Usage History Length and Order Days Supply always default to 45 and 15 respectively.

The user can do the following:

  • Select individual items to add to the order
  • Select or deselect all of the items
  • Adjust the order amounts
  • Search for particular part numbers

Once the user has specified all of the items they would like on the order and the quantity of each, they will have to select the Add Selected button. All of the selected items on the window will appear in the item grid, section 7, with the specified quantity and the Usage History window will disappear.

View History button

This button allows the user to see the history of the order. It will display the status of the OrderLinx order and all of the related documents. Below is a example of an OrderLinx order that has been processed to Invoice.


Section 5 - Action Buttons

These buttons allow the user to do many things to the order.

Submit button

The submit button finalizes the order. This should only be selected with the OrderLinx user is completed with the order and wants to send it to the disributor.

Cancel button

The cancel button will cancel the order. This should only be used if the OrderLinx user does want the order anymore. There is no way to reopen the order. The only way to salvage the items on the order is to clone the order to a new order.

Save button

This button allows the user to save all of the pending changes on the order. This will only save the order. It will not send it to the distributor.

Print button

The print button allows the user to print the order. It is recommended to save the order first.

Section 6 - Pending Items

The pending item section allows the user to add items two different ways.

  • Manually type an item
  • Item Lookup

If you know the item code or part of the item code the fastest way to add an item is to manually enter it. In the Item Code / UOM field type the item code. A dropdown will appear with part numbers close to what you typed. If you only know a part of the item (example: You only know 1487 and you want to find SG1487/QT), type % before the part you know. The dropdown will find all part numbers with 1487 in it.

Item Lookup

Item lookup should only be used if you are unsure of the item part number.

Section 7 - Item Grid

====Section 8 - Order Details====

Clone an order

Edit an Existing Order

Processing an Order

Submitting an Order

Cancel an Order


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