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Page History: Transfer Types and Overview

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Page Revision: 02/20/2019 04:07 PM

Inventory that is moved from one store to another store is done using a Transfer. Transfers are generated on the Create PO/Xfer screen in the location that will be receiving the inventory – a Transfer (Purchase) Order is created.

Types of Transfers

There are two types of transfers, Transfer Orders and Quick Transfers. Each type of transfer uses four documents to complete the transfer: a Transfer, a Work Order, a Shipment and a Receipt.

Transfer Order

A Transfer Order is a traditional transfer where each location is responsible for creating and processing the documents for the transfer at their location.

Quick Transfer

A Quick Transfer can be created and executed by one location. When a Quick Transfer is created and then released, all the documents for that transfer are automatically generated and processed.

Quick Transfer Use Example

* Joe from the east side store stops by the west side store, and while there, he picks up a case of sanding discs.

* Frank on the counter at the west side store, logs on to the east side store and creates a Quick Transfer for the case of sanding discs.

* Once Frank releases the Quick Transfer, a Work Order is automatically created and shipped for the west side store, and the Quick Transfer is automatically received at the east side store.

There is no question of the quantity shipped or received, and it saves both Joe and Frank from having to take the normal steps of a regular transfer once Joe has returned to the east side store.

Transfer Discrepancies

Discrepancies in transfers occur when the quantities between what was physically shipped and received are different from what is on the Transfer document. Many different scenarios can cause these discrepancies.

When a discrepancy occurs, that discrepancy must be resolved to ensure the inventory levels, and the general ledger is corrected for each location. Transfer discrepancies are resolved on the Adjust Transfer screen and should be resolved without delay.

Document Status Changes


Inventory Level Changes



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