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This search, performed through 6.32 MB (318 documents, 6426 words), completed in 0.2 seconds and yielded 30 results.

Manufacture Batch Documentation — 18.8%

[...] For further information on how to create a Formula, here is a guide on how to get started: Formula Documentation Security Permissions to create Manufacture [...]

Formulas Documentation — 18.8%

[...] Output Material. They are used as the starting points of a batch. b. Packaging - a Formula that can help associate packing cost to a specific Output [...]

Manufacture Batch Documentation — 12.5%

Invoice Help Documentation Part 2 — 4.4%

[...] Message A free form Customer Message can be keyed in this box and will be printed in the body of the Invoice below the Balance Due line. Note: The customer messages that are maintained in the Customer task screen can be selected to also print on the invoice. General Notes The General Notes are display only. They appear after the first item number has been selected. This note is generated using the information in the terms code assigned to the customer.   Invoice Tax and Totals Boxes The invoice [...]

Receive Payments Help Documentation — 3.1%

[...] ". This is used to post moneys collected that are not to be applied to any specific customer or open invoice in the accounts receivable. This is cash income from "other" sources (i.e. rent payment, bad debt settlement, etc.).  Use the Transaction Type drop down box (located on the right hand middle portion of the screen just above the Current Batch field) to select the Miscellaneous Cash transaction type or to change back to the default Payment transaction type: Transaction Type - Payment The Payment screen for transaction type Payment is made up of four areas: [...]

Invoice Help Documentation Part 1 — 2.4%

Invoices This task is used to: Create one-step invoices for customers. Print an invoice from a converted Work Order, Invoice Shipments, or Quote. Inquire into open invoices to make changes, void, and/or print. Inquire into released (posted) invoice history. Select Invoices from the Navigation Bar or from the Drop Down Menu Order Entry – Billing .   Invoice Screen This is the Invoices screen. It is important the User and the Location are correct because multiple [...]

Security Changes 2018 — 1.8%

[...] only needed Security Level 2 to perform these tasks. ComCept Level 3 Allow users to modify most Invoice fields and navigate to Quotes, Work Orders and Purchase Orders. Previously, users only needed Security Level 3 to perform these tasks. ComCept Purchasing Allow users to create all different types of POs, including vendor orders, returned goods orders and transfers. Previously, any users who had access to the Purchase Order page could perform these tasks. They are all separate permissions now, added to this group for your convenience. Security administrators [...]

Terms Codes Help Documentation — 1.3%

[...] are used to control the credit extended to customers. The terms codes specify cash or charge terms, invoice due date, discount allowed, and split payments for invoices. Each customer must have a default Terms Code entered using the Customers task. This customer default Terms Code can be overridden when billing the customer using the  Details option. The example below shows the Terms Code used for invoices that are to be paid in three equal monthly payments with no discount.  Add Terms Code In order to add a new terms code select the Add New button at the bottom [...]

Consignments Help Documentation — 0.7%

[...] computer. These are located in the top right area of the screen. The Consignments screen is similar to the Invoice screen ecept for: The Consignment Type must be selected. The Consignment buttons are Save, Print and Ship. The action menu contains: Consignment Type : Select the type of consignment that needs to be generated. The Save Consignment button saves the consignment. The Print Consignment button prints the consignment document. The Ship Consignment button indicated that the consigned items have been sent to the customer. Consignment Action Menu Items [...]

Customers Help Documentation — 0.7%

[...] This is an optional additional discount that can be applied to discountable items when billed on an invoice. The counterperson must select the Apply button on the Line Item Details window in the Order Entry – Billing section to apply the discount. Tax Model: Select the correct Tax Model for this customer from the dropdown. Customer Tax Models must be set up prior to use in the Taxes task in the Company section. Terms Code: Select the desired Terms Code from the drop down box to be used when invoicing customers. Terms Codes must be set up prior to use in the Terms [...]

Navigation - CollisionLinx page — 0.7%

How to setup a New CollisionLinx Customer Purchase Profile Help Documentation [...]

Service Charges Help Documentation — 0.7%

[...] percentage rate that will be calculated against the outstanding balance. Example : An outstanding invoice for $597.25 at a Service Charge Rate of 1.15% would receive a service charge of $6.87. ($597.25 x 1.15% = $6.87) 2. Enter the Service Charge Period . This is the grace period allowed before a service charge will be posted to the account on an outstanding balance. Example : The invoice is due on 12/7. The Service Charge Period is set to 10 . On 12/17, the invoice will be past the grace [...]

Security Permission to Security Level Map — 0.7%

[...] customer. POS_CustomerShipToDetails ü ü ü Modify the name and address for the Ship-To customer. POS_Invoice_MakePayment ü ü ü Apply customer payment to an invoice POS_Invoice_Save ü ü ü Save Invoices. POS_Invoice_View ü ü ü Navigate to the Invoice screen. POS_PONumber ü ü ü Set the PO number on a point of sale document POS_Print ü ü ü Print a point of sale document POS_PrintNew ü ü ü Print a point of sale document and [...]

Invoice Shipments — 0.6%

Invoice Shipments This task is used to select completed shipments for invoicing. Select Invoice Shipments from the Navigation Bar or from the Drop Down Menu Order Entry – Billing.    Release Shipment Before you can invoice an individual shipment on the Invoice Shipments screen, the shipment must be released . 1. Open the shipment. 2. From the Actions menu, select Release Shipment . 3. The Ship Status will change to Released . Shipment List Screen This screen lists [...]

WO Processing Help Documentation — 0.6%

[...] create 100% filled shipments based on the Work Orders Selected. Remove items from existing Bins Ship/Invoice: Will let you Ship and Invoice multiple Work Orders as 100% filled. 4 types of orders are visible on this interface: Point of Sale orders: These are manually created Work Orders created within the ComCept Application via the Work Order Screen. Mobile Orders: These are the Wireless Salesmen Orders submitted by your Sales Staff via their Cell Phones. Customer Inventory Orders: These are generated from Customer Countsheets. CollisionLinx [...]

A/R credit holds — 0.5%

[...] Point-of-Sale documents settings simply displays a customer’s Credit Status on the Work Order, Shipment, Invoice and Quote screens.  Whenever you select a customer on one of these pages, the Credit Status for the customer will appear, presenting valuable decision-making information.  This setting doesn’t stop the document from being saved, it only displays the up-to-date credit information of the selected customer.  If you are using the “Find Open Orders” feature, this feature will combine into the same popup message.  The Stop transactions when customer potentially exceeds [...]

Mobile Suite - Count Sheets Help Documentation — 0.5%

[...] process a Mobile Count Sheet. Closed Count Sheet - sends the count sheet to CDN .Net Thin Client(Utopia), but doesn't do anything else with it. The count sheet is closed and no further processing can be done to it. Open Count Sheet - Sends the count sheet as open to CDN. Net Thin Client (Utopia). A user at the store can continue to modify the customer count sheet and process it as they choose. Work Order - Sends the count sheet as closed to CDN .Net Thin Client (Utopia) and creates a Work Order out of the [...]

Sales — 0.5%

[...] Invoices and Credits Guide for CollisionLinx Orders page Invoices - Part 1 Invoices - Part 2 Invoice Shipments Invoice, Creating Invoices from Credits Price Levels - Detailed explaination Pricing Flowchart Pricing Profiles Promotional Pricing Procedure to Ensure All Shipments have been Invoiced and/or Cancelled Promotions Quotes Recurring Billing Shipments Shipping Worksheet *WMS Mobile Inventory users should only use the shipping worksheet to finalize shipments. [...]

Preferences Printing Tab Help Documentation — 0.5%

[...] will be displays. If it passes all logo standards the logo will upload and be displayed on the mock invoice at the bottom of the screen. Example B If you want to remove the logo select the Delete button. Logo Dimensions Logos must be 90 pixels high by 200 pixels wide, with a resolution of 300 dpi. Any standard format can be uploaded as long as it meets the other requirements. Consignments - Print Prices This option allows the price of items to appear on consignments. It is location specific. Statements - Print Terms Discounts The option applies only [...]

Shipment Help Documentation — 0.5%

[...] Shipping Screen   Adjustments can be made as required before continuing. Selecting Actions Create Invoice, Print , or Save Shipment or displays the Please enter an Employee Number window. Enter your employee number and select (OK) to continue.  The Create Invoice button saves the Shipment and displays the Invoices screen. The Print button prints the Packing List and saves the Shipment. The message is displayed. The Save Shipment button saves the Shipment. The message  is displayed. After selecting the  Print button, the windows [...]

Transaction Journal Help Documentation — 0.5%

[...] designed to show the user details about unposted invoices for either a given date range or a specific invoice ID.   Navigation to the screen Transaction Journal can only be accessed in CDN .Net Thin Client (Utopia). Run the Report The Transaction Journal can be run two different ways. The user can type a specific invoice ID into the Invoice ID field or can enter a date range [...]

CollisionLinx Help Documentation — 0.5%

[...] CollisionLinx, a customer can retrieve and print: Statement – a current statement of the customer’s account Invoice/Credit – an invoice or credit that you have issued to them. The customer will need to know the invoice or credit number to retrieve and print the document. Orders In Progress - lists all of the orders that have been accepted by the vendor Transaction Detail - Prints the details of a specific transaction or a date range of transactions. VOC Report – a report show the customer’s VOC usage from items purchased [...]

Security Levels — 0.5%

[...] create invoices, where Security Level 3 users could create Purchase Orders, in addition to all the invoice-related access. This is because every Security Level automatically has access to the functions in a lower Security Level. For example, Security Level 2 gave users all the access that was granted at Security Level 1. Security Level 3 granted access to all functions granted at levels 1 and 2, and so on. Security Level - 1 Can invoice, change the item description, change shipping details (can't change "Net" price or view the "Details"). [...]

Navigation - Reporting Navigation page — 0.5%

Categories Help Documentation [...]

Everything that changes Inventory Levels - Grouped by Documents — 0.5%

[...] Change On Hands (this can only be done once per item per location) + or – On Hands Invoice Add an item -   On Hands Remove an item + On Hands Close a line + On Hands Void an Invoice + On Hands Write off an Invoice No Affect Adjust Transfers Affects Inventory (+ Discrepancy Amt) + On Hands (Sending Location) Affects Inventory (- Discrepancy Amt) -  On Hands (Sending Location) Quote Add an item [...]

Navigation - Accounts Receivable page — 0.4%

A/R Credit Holds Help [...]

Mobile Suite - Signatures Help Documentation — 0.4%

[...] are on the Signature Add  screen. Its time for the delivery driver to use his device and scan the invoice or shipment barcode.  This documentation assumes that your device has a built-in scanner, imager, or a bluetooth scanner. If your device lacks scanning hardware, or the scanning hardware is not working, you can manually input the needed information.    the delivery driver can scan the barcode of the invoice. Skip to step [...]

Legacy Reports Help Documentation — 0.4%

Legacy Reports   Invoices   The Invoices report is used to display basic invoice information. Select the Edit Parameters button to set a date range or other filters to limit the number of invoices displayed on the report. This report has a special ability to display the invoice when the user selects the desired invoice ID from the report. Payment Batch Detail   The Payment Batch Detail report is used to post payment batches and lookup posted payment batches. A payment batch ID is required to run the [...]

ComCept Help and User Documentation — 0.4%

Welcome to the ! This site provides documentation and help topics for [...]

Work Order Help Documentation — 0.4%

[...] Order. Print the Picking List (optional). Print the Packing List (optional). Create the Invoice from the Shipment.   Select Work Orders from the Navigation Bar or from the Drop Down Menu Order Entry – Billing .  Work Orders Screen This is the Work Order screen. It is important the User and the Location are correct because multiple users and locations can be accessed from the same computer. These are located in the top right area of the screen. The Work Order screen is similar to the Invoices screen except for the following two check boxes [...]

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