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Page History: Preferences Credit Card Tab Help Documentation

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Page Revision: 06/02/2023 11:32 AM

Credit Card

Company Specific

  • Block entry of Credit Card Numbers in Payments - This option allows you to prevent all locations from collecting a credit card number through all Point-of-Sales screens.

Location Specific

Test Credit Card Authorization Setting

The Test Account Settings button allows the user to verify the credentials entered above are valid.   

  • Credit Card Authorization Vendor - ComCept is currently only integrated with AuthorizeNet.
  • Credit Card Authorization Login - This is the credentials that ComCept .Net uses to access the AuthorizeNet system.
  • Credit Card Authorization Password - This is the credentials that ComCept .Net uses to access the AuthorizeNet system.

Counter Payment Required Fields

  • Name on Card
  • Card Number
  • Expiration Date
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