Here you can search through the pages of this Namespace, their attachments and the files uploaded to the system.
Note: the results will only display the items you have permissions to read.
Manufacture Batch ComCept has created a module to allow users to convert raw materials into finished goods. Properly set up, this module will remove consumed materials, increase sellable products, and properly account for them. Manufacture Batch contains two distinct processes, Formula and Manufacture Batch. A Formula is essentially a template or starting point for a Manufacture Batch, all Batches require a Formula. This page is where the [...]
Manufacture Batch ComCept has created a module to allow users to convert raw materials into finished goods. Properly set up, this module will remove consumed materials, increase sellable products, and properly account for them. Manufacture Batch contains two distinct processes, Formula and Manufacture Batch. A Formula is essentially a template or starting point for a Manufacture Batch, all Batches require a Formula.
Formulas There are currently two [...]
This feature allows a price or the published cost to be increased or decreased based on a percentage of itself or another price or the published cost. For example, you can make Price Level 1 10% less than the list price. To use this feature, 1) Select the locations to update, 2) Select which item(s) to update, and 3) Select which prices to update. Locations to Update Update Master UOM Local [...]
Receive Payments The Receive Payments task is used to: Post payments received from customers or miscellaneous sources. Apply payments to customer accounts receivable invoices. Apply discounts to customer accounts receivable invoices. Reverse Bad Check payments received on customer accounts receivable and re-open invoices. Inquire into customer open accounts receivable detail and customer payment history. Notes:
When payments are entered, they are immediately applied to the customer account balances and statements whether or not
This task is used to search, edit, or inquire into the customers on your system.
Select Customers from the Navigation Bar or from the Drop Down Menu Accounts Receivable.
Search For Customers
The Search For Customers screen is the first screen that is displayed when the Customers task is selected. This screen is [...]
[...] Manage Generated Pos/XFers
This functionality if used to its maximum capacity completely removes the need to log into another store location to print drop ship PO's or release Transfers or Quick Transfers.
Purchase Order/Return Goods PO flow:
Generate the order Edit quantities or add items as required. Change Sort on the order as desired. "Complete" the PO. Employee number is required Upon selecting to "Complete" the PO an option to also print [...]
[...] Space This parameter allows for users to maximize label space when printing reports through ComCept. The parameter will do the following once selected:
1. Reduces the font size [...]
Customer Inventory Customer Inventory is used to maintain the customer's inventory, bins and populate customer count sheets.
Associated Permissions CustomerInventory_BinAdd - Allows the user to add new bins to the customer's bin tree CustomerInventory_BinGet - Allows the bin tree to display all of the bins. CustomerInventory_BinUpdate - Allows the user to update the [...]
Returned Goods Purchase Order
Returned Goods PO is used to send goods back to the vendor to receive a credit.
Navigation to the Screen
Select Create PO/Xfer from the Navigation Bar or from the Drop Down Menu Purchasing .
Returned Goods Purchase Order Screen
RGPOs are part of the Purchase Order screen. [...]
[...] Pricing Documentation Revision History 6/21/2011 - Initial revision by Rob Gamble 6/28/2011 - Updated screen shots by Rob Gamble 1/18/2013 - Added support for Minimum Price Summary ComCept .Net allows flexible promotional pricing, and introduces a powerful Price Lookup that simplifies and explains even the most advanced pricing structures. Promotional Pricing DEFINITION Promotional Pricing allows you to create system-wide price profiles that apply to all customers. These promotional price profiles allow you [...]
[...] Maintenance join forces.
PricePro updates available from ComCept Solutions are now handled through the CDN Data Maintenance Application. This guide steps the user through the process of setting up and running a PricePro update. This functionality provides the user total control of what and when to have an update take place. It can be run as many times as needed between the [...]
Create PO/Xfer
Select Create PO/Xfer from the Navigation Bar or from the Drop Down Menu Purchasing .
Purchase Order Screen
This is the Purchase Orders/Xfers screen.
It is important the User and the Location are correct because multiple users and locations can be accessed from the same computer. These are located in [...]
[...] Order Processing This new functionality allows you to multi select customer work orders for processing in four different ways. NOTE: The current design only allows work orders that are 100% filled to be processed into shipments and invoices. Additional functionality will be added at a later time to handle partial shipments and invoices.
The 4 processing options
Print Pick Slip: Generates a batch of Picking Tickets ready [...]
CollisionLinx Inventory
CollisionLinx Inventory is used to maintain the customer's inventory, bins and populate CollisionLinx count sheets.
Associated Permissions
CustomerInventory_BinAdd - Allows the user to add new bins to the customer's bin tree CustomerInventory_BinGet - Allows the bin tree to display [...]
CollisionLinx Orders
CollisionLinx Orders allows the user to generate orders at the shop and send them directly their distributor.
Associated Permissions
ExtranetCustomer_OnHands_View - Allows the user to see the on hands in the item grid ExtranetCustomer_OnHands_View_Alternate_Location - Allows the user to see other locations' on hands ExtranetCustomer_OrderAddItem [...]
CollisionLinx Count Sheets
CollisionLinx count sheets are designed for the body shop or salesmen to count the shop's inventory in order to establish their current levels and what the shop needs to order.
Associated Permissions
CustomerCountSheet_AddAll - create a customer count sheet out of the customer's inventory CustomerCountSheet_AddBlank - create an empty customer count sheet CustomerCountSheet_AddUsage [...]
Customer Count Sheets
Customer count sheets are designed for salesmen to go into a bodyshop and count the shop's inventory in order to establish their current levels and what the shop needs to order.
Associated Permissions CustomerCountSheet_AddAll - Allows the [...]
Data Maintenance (New) ComCept .Net Data Maintenance is a web-based tool within ComCept .Net that is controlled by ComCept user security. This tool gives users the ability to manage “maintenance records”, such as customers, inventory and pricing. Data Maintenance users can add or edit hundreds or even thousands of records at once by manipulating spreadsheets. Users can work with their data by downloading spreadsheets filled with only relevant fields and records, making necessary changes to the [...]
Customer Messages and Notes Boxes
Customer Message
A free form Customer Message can be keyed in this box and will be printed in the body of the Invoice below the Balance Due line.
Note: The customer messages that are maintained in the Customer task screen can be selected to [...]
CollisionLinx .NET Access & Order Processing Instructions
This document is intended to provide a step-by-step procedure for successfully for establishing CollisionLinx accounts in ComCept .NET to allow for customer ordering and self-service document retrieval in CollisionLinx.
In order to set up a customer for CollisionLinx, the ComCept .NET user must be at Security Level 5 or greater – this gives them access to the [...]
This task is used to:
Create one-step invoices for customers. Print an invoice from a converted Work Order, Invoice Shipments, or Quote. Inquire into open invoices to make changes, void, and/or print. Inquire into released (posted) invoice history.
Select Invoices from the Navigation Bar or from the Drop Down Menu Order Entry – Billing .
Invoice Screen This is the Invoices screen. It is important [...]
A/R Credit Holds A/R Credit Holds is a new feature that allows Jobbers to strictly enforce credit limits for their customers. It works by calculating a customer’s balance granularly, taking into account shipped orders and un-posted invoices. This feature also allows a high-level employee to temporarily raise the credit limit of a customer for a [...]
Receive PO/Xfer
The Receive PO/Xfer task is used to receive purchaser orders/transfers that were created using the Create PO/Xfer task.
Select Receive PO/Xfer from the Navigation Bar or from the Drop Down Menu Purchasing .
Search for Open PO/Transfer
When the Receive PO/Xfer task is selected, the Search for Open PO/Transfer window is the displayed inside the [...]
This task is used to search, edit, or inquire into the manufacturers on your system.
Select Manufacturers from the Navigation Bar or from the Drop Down Menu Purchasing .
Search for Manufacturers
The Search For Manufacturers screen is the first screen that is displayed when the Manufacturers task is selected. This screen [...]
This task is used to search, edit, or inquire into the vendors on your system.
Select Vendors from the Navigation Bar or from the Drop Down Menu Purchasing .
Search For Vendors
The Search For Vendors screen is the first screen that is displayed when the Vendors task is selected. This screen is used to search for [...]
Payroll Budgeting Training Documentation Introduction
Payroll Budgeting is the process of measuring estimated and actual payroll expense against projected and realized sales. It is an activity that keeps managers informed of profitability and allows them to proactively manage payroll costs. This documentation outlines the proper use of the ComCept Payroll budgeting module. Documentation is segmented by audience type, [...]
Mobile Suite Count Sheet
Mobile count sheets are customer count sheets available in ComCept Suite. In order to build a mobile count sheet, the mobile device needs to have data already downloaded on it.
Create a Mobile Count Sheet
1 Select the Count Sheets button on the Mobile Suite splash screen.
2 Select the Add button. [...]
Mobile Suite - Orders
Mobile Orders are designed to allow the salesman to create an order for a customer from their mobile device.
Create a [...]
The sales tax charged on invoices is determined at the item and customer level using the various Tax Items, Item Tax Groups, and Customer Tax Models created in the Taxes task.
Tax Items: The Tax Items define various taxing authorities and tax rates. These Tax Items are then selected as needed to define the Item Tax Groups and Customer Tax Models described below.
Item Tax Groups: [...]
[...] announce our upcoming reporting engine! We have added many new features and capabilities to help you get the most out of your data.
New Reporting Engine
Reports will soon be generated using Microsoft’s Reporting Services. This powerful reporting engine will replace the Crystal Reports engine in place today, providing greater reliability and stability. Reporting will become more of an integral part of the [...]