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Page History: Transfer Types and Overview

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Page Revision: 05/03/2011 10:25 AM

Quick Transfers:
Logged in as the store that is requesting the merchandise go to the Create/PO/Xfer screen.
Select order type of Quick Transfer.
Select the location the merchandise is being shipped from. Add the products being requested to the order and Print it.
Once the order is picked edit the quick transfer to match exactly what is being shipped.
Save the Quick Transfer or print it again to use as a packing slip.
Click Actions then select “Release Transfer”.
Verify the status of the Quick Transfer comes back as “Closed”
If status returns as closed the release was successful and the inventory was moved from store to store.

Transfer Orders:  Both locations take part in this procedure. There is also an option to maintain backorders on this type of transfer.
To not maintain backorders go to the company tab and access Store Locations.
List All and access the locations one at a time. There is a check box to use for maintain transfer back orders. Check it to maintain or uncheck to cancel all backorders.
If just starting to use this type of transfer I recommend not maintaining back orders on transfers.

Requesting Location:
Go to the Create/PO/Xfer screen.
Select order type of Transfer Order
Select the location the merchandise is being shipped from.
Add the products being requested to the order and Save it.
Click Actions then select “Release Transfer”. The status of the order will return as “Released”.
This creates a WO for the shipping location to use as a picking ticket to pull the order.

Shipping location:
When notified of the released transfer the shipping location goes to the Work Order Screen
Click on Search then select Transfer Orders
Set status to search for in the dialog box as open. (this is the status of the work order.)
Double click on the appropriate transfer to call it up on the work order screen.
Select Print Pick List.
Pull the product
From the WO screen with the order present click on Create Shipment.
Edit the shipped quantities only to exactly match what is being shipped.
Print the Shipment document to use as a packing slip. Status will be set to “In Transit”

Requesting location:
When the merchandise arrives it needs to be received into inventory via the Receive PO/Xfer screen or the Receipt Worksheet screen.
ALWAYS receive the merchandise exactly as it was shipped even if there are discrepancies.  See note 2 below.
The inventory is moved to the receiving location when the receiver document is saved from either screen.

NOTE: If you choose to maintain backorders on the transfers all unshipped items will be left as open status to repeat the shipping locations steps creating multiple shipments from the same work order until all product is shipped. The receiving location will also continue to receive the merchandise until the transfer order is fully shipped and closed out.

If selecting to not maintain backorders all unshipped item are automatically closed out on all documents at the time the receiver is saved.

NOTE 2.  The reason for always receiving the merchandise exactly like it is shipped is to keep out of having to you the Adjust Transfers module to handle discrepancies.  That screen can be very tricky to use depending on where the merchandise in discrepancy is located.  To avoid using this module receive the transfer into inventory as is.  Any item that was in discrepancy should be handled with other transfers or quick transfers to correct them.
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