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Receive PO/Xfer
Receive PO/Xfer task is used to receive purchaser orders/transfers that were created using the
Create PO/Xfer task.
Receive PO/Xfer from the
Navigation Bar or from the Drop Down Menu

Search for Open PO/Transfer
When the
Receive PO/Xfer task is selected, the
Search for Open PO/Transfer window is the displayed inside the
Manage Bills screen. This search window is used to locate and open the desire PO/Transfer to be received.
This is the
Search for Open PO/Transfer window.
Type: Select the desired purchase order type (i.e. Purchase Order, Returned Goods, or
Transfer Order).
By Vendor/Location: Select the desired Vendor (for types
Purchase Order or
Returned Goods) or the desired location (for type
Transfer Order) for the search. All open purchase/transfer orders automatically display.
By PO #: Enter the desired purchase or transfer order number for the search. You must also select the desire
Type also.
Select the
(Search) button to search for the open purchase/transfer order number.

Select the desired
PO No and then select the
(Ok) button to open the
Manage bills screen pre-loaded with the information from the desired
PO No.

Manage Bills Screen
Only the
Received quantity field can be modified from this screen. Select the cost in the
Net field to open the
Line Item Details window (see below).
When the
Received quantity is changed, the
Remaining quantity and purchase order totals are recalculated.

Line Item Details
Line Item Details window is used to review and change the costs for items on the purchase/transfer order.
Customer: Trade Discount: The discount percent that will be applied to all lines on the purchase order if the
Apply button is selected. A default can be maintained in the customer/vendor record in the
Trade Discount field. (Note: The vendor must be flagged as an
Is Bill To in the
Customers task to access this field).
Use Cost: Select the desired cost to be displayed in the
Cost column (i.e. Average, Last Landed, or Published Cost). Changing the
Use Cost causes the gross profit percent in the
GM column to be recalculated.
Item No: The item number entered on the purchase order. Display only.
UOM: The item unit of measure. Display only.
Cost: The cost for the item determined by the selection in the
Use Cost drop down box. Display only.
List: The List Price for the Item. Display only.
Profile: Reserved for future use.
Discount: Additional discount off of, or added to, the
Cost. The desired value may be entered.
Net: The net cost after any additional discount. The desired value may be entered.
Savings: The difference between the
Cost and the
Net cost. The desired value may be entered.
GM: The "gross margin" (i.e. percentage above or below) between the
Net cost and the
Cost. The desired value may be entered.
No Disc: Select this box to remove a discount entered and return the
Net cost to the original Cost.
Can B/O: Select this box to cancel back ordered quantities.
Tax: Select this box to charge sales tax on the line item or deselect to not change sales tax.
Subtotal: The running subtotal for the purchase order.
Save to record the costing changes or
Cancel to discard the changes and keep the original costing.
This example shows the Line Item Details window from above with a Trade Discount of 10% applied to the purchase order.

Customer Messages and Notes Boxes¶
Customer Message
A free form
Customer Message can be keyed in this box and will be printed in the body of the purchase order below the Total Due line.

General Notes
Reserved for future use. The
General Notes are displayed only.

Purchase Order Tax and Totals Boxes¶
The purchase order tax and totals boxes are made up of at least three totals boxes (if no sales tax is owed) and at least four totals boxes (if sales tax is owed). There may be additional sales tax boxes depending on how many sale tax jurisdictions are involved.
Subtotal: The total of the items order from the vendor before sales tax is applied.
Pinellas: The sales tax jurisdiction that this purchase order falls under. This is determined using a combination of the
Taxes task under
Tax Group field in the
Master Inventory task under
Company, and the
Tax Model field in the
Customers task under
Accounts Receivable.
Total Tax: This is the total of all sales tax for all jurisdictions on the purchase order.
Total: This is the total of the extended items costs and all taxes.
Receive PO/Xfer Action Buttons
Note: The on hand and the on order quantities are updated as soon as the purchase order receipt is saved or printed. For purchase order transfers, the shipping store's on hand and committed quantities are also updated.
Save button saves the purchase order receipt and the purchase order receipt remains on the screen. This message

is displayed to indicate the purchase order receipt has been saved. This action updates the on hand and the on order quantities.
Print button saves the purchase order receipt and opens the Windows Printer window so that the purchase order receipt can be printed to the desired printer. The purchase order receipt remains on the screen.
This message

is displayed to indicate the purchase order receipt has been printed and saved. This action updates the on hand and the on order quantities.
Confirm Save Window
Confirm Save window is displayed if you have made changes to the current screen and attempt to start a new purchase order or change to another action.
- Yes - Saves the information changed on the screen before continuing.
- No - Discards the information changed on the screen before continuing.
- Cancel - Returns to the current screen allowing further changes.
Receive Orders/Xfers Actions Menu
The following actions are available from the
Actions drop down menu while in the
Receive PO/Xfer task.

These two
Actions also have an Icon at the bottom of the Purchase order receipts/Xfers screen and where described earlier:
Save button - Save Purchase order receipt
Print button - Print Purchase order receipt
List Open Purchase Orders
This is the same window that opens when the
Receive PO/Xfer task is first selected. Please refer to the previous
Search for Open PO/Transfer section for the description of this window.

Print Receiving Report
This action prints the PO/Xfer Receiving Report used to check in the shipment and place it on the shelf (the Receipt report prints sorted by Bin location and the item number). The select printer window opens so that the desired printer can be selected.
The following section shows a sample of this report in preview mode.
Preview Receiving Report
This action previews the PO/Xfer Receiving Report described previously.
Use the buttons at the top to:
100%: Enter the desired displayed image size.
Print: Print the displayed Receiving Report.
Receive Orders/Xfer Search Menu
The Receive Order/Xfers search action is an extremely powerful tool allowing the selection of desired purchase orders by a wide variety of search field combinations.

Purchase order searches are started by selecting one of the search links:
- Receipt No
- PO No
- Employee No
Or by selecting a
Search option from the
Menu bar:

Search options can be changed after the Search window is open. Also, select the
Down Arrow button to open the Date Range and Vendor filter options. This secondary filter option can be closed by selecting the
Up Arrow button.

Note: For a
Date Range search, you must enter both the
From and the
To dates for the search to function correctly.
By Vendor, By Item, By Date Range
This example shows a search by purchase order by item for item 6334 for vendor Minnesota Mining & Manufacturing for the date range of 5/25/2011 to 5/25/2011.

The search returned three purchase order receipts (i.e. #34, #37, and #38). Receipt #37 is then selected and the receipt information displays behind the search window.
You may then:
- Move or close the Search window to work with the selected receipt.
- Select another receipt from the displayed list.
- Perform another search.
To move the Search window temporarily out of the way of the purchase order:
- Place the mouse pointer in the blue header line of the Search window.
- Hold down the left mouse button.
- Drag the window to the desired location.
- Release the Mouse button.
- Use the same process to move the Search window back in order to select another receipt or search.