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Printing Tab
All Documents - Print List Price
This setting tells the system to print the list price for each item on all invoices, credits, work orders, quotes and consignments. This settign is system wide, meaning all locations will be affected.
All Documents - Print Bar Codes
This setting applies to shipments and work orders. When checked the documents will display a barcode at the top right of the document. This allows drivers to capture sugnatures easier than typing the document number and amount in manually.
All Documents - Print Customer Number Bar Code
This setting was added to the system to allow users to scan invoices and allow the scanner to identify the customer. This barcode only displays on invoices.
All Documents - Logo
This setting can be displayed in two different states. If there is no logo displayed it looks like example A. If a logo is already applied to the location it looks like example B. This setting only applies to invoices and credits. Logos are location specific.
Example A
Add a logo- Select the Browse button.
- Find the logo in your file structure and select the OK button.
- Select the Add button.
If the logo doesn't meet the logo standards an error message will be displays. If it passes all logo standards the logo will upload and be displayed on the mock invoice at the bottom of the screen.
Example B

If you want to remove the logo select the
Delete button.
Logo Dimensions
Logos have to be 90 by 200 and 300 DPI. Any standard format can be uploaded as long as it meets the other requirements.
Consignments - Print Prices
This option allows the price of items to appear on consignments. It is location specific.
The options in this section apply only to statements
Print Terms Discount
This option allows the user to _. Change this option when you want blah blah blah.
Changes made here will: 1) 2)
Invoices / Credits
Suppress Header
This option allows the user to _. Change this option when you want blah blah blah.
Changes made here will: 1) 2)
Number of Copies
This option allows the user to _. Change this option when you want blah blah blah.
Changes made here will: 1) 2)
This option allows the user to _. Change this option when you want blah blah blah.
Changes made here will: 1) 2)
Once all of the edits are complete, select the Save
button or select the Cancel' button to cancel any of the changes.