Page History: Invoice Help Documentation Part 2
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Customer Messages and Notes Boxes¶
Customer Message
A free form
Customer Message can be keyed in this box and will be printed in the body of the Invoice below the Balance Due line.
Note: The customer messages that are maintained in the
Customer task screen can be selected to also print on the invoice.

General Notes
General Notes are display only. They appear after the first item number has been selected. This note is generated using the information in the terms code assigned to the customer.
Invoice Tax and Totals Boxes¶
The invoice tax and totals boxes are made up of at least four totals boxes (if no sales tax is charged) and at least five totals boxes (if sales tax is charged). There may be additional sales tax boxes depending on how many sale tax jurisdictions are involved.
Subtotal: The total of the items billed to the customer before sales tax is applied. This is the amount that is recorded for sales analysis reporting.
7% NJ Sales Tax: The sales tax jurisdiction that this sale falls under. This is determined using a combination of the
Taxes task under
Tax Group field in the
Master Inventory task under
Company, and the
Tax Model field in the
Customers task under
Accounts Receivable. These totals are report to the tax jurisdiction by printing the
Sales Tax' report.
Total Tax: This is the total of all sales tax for all jurisdictions on the invoice.
Total: This is the total of the extended items selling prices and all taxes. This is the total that is added to the accounts receivable.
Balance Due: This is the remaining amount owed on the invoice.
Invoice Action Icons
Note: The on hand quantity is updated as soon as the invoice is saved or printed.
Make Payment
Make Payment button opens the
Invoice Payments window.
Payment Type: Select the payment method(s) for this invoice and enter the
Amount$ for each payment method. Select the
add button to add each payment type as they are entered.
Select the
OK button to save the payment or
Cancel to discard the payment.
Cash or Check Payment:
Credit Card Payment:
Payments using Authorize .Net:

This button saves the invoice and the invoice remains on the screen. This message

is displayed to indicate the invoiced has been saved. This action updates the on hand quantity.
Prints the invoice to the Windows Default Printer and the invoice remains on the screen. This message

is displayed to indicate the invoiced has been printed and saved. This action updates the on hand quantity.
Print & New
This button prints the invoice to the Windows Default Printer and then displays a blank invoice screen. This action updates the on hand quantity.
Print (Setup)
Displays the
print window and allows the user to select which printer the document should print to.
Print Preview
Displays the
Print Preview window. This window displays the invoice. The user can print the invoice from this window.
Confirm Save Window

Confirm Save window is displayed if you have made changes to the current screen and attempt to start a new Invoice or to change to another action.
Note: This window is not displayed and any changes made are lost if the
Home' option on the Quick Link Bar is selected.
Invoice Actions Menu
The following actions are available from the
Actions drop down menu while in the
Invoices task.

The first six Actions also have buttons at the bottom of the Invoice screen and where described earlier:
- Make Payment
- Save
- Print
- Print / New
- Print (setup)
- Print Preview
Go To Order
If the Invoice came fro ma Work Order, the originating Work Order will be displayed. If not, the latest Work Order will be displayed. Switch to the
Work Order Help Documentation.
Create PO
Switch to
Purchase Order Help Documentation.
Recurring Billing

Sets up the invoice currently displayed on the screen (must have been saved or printed) as a recurring invoice.
The following fields are in the
Recurring Billing pop up window:
Next Billing Date: Enter the next date the invoice is to be created.
Billing Period: Enter the billing cycle (i.e. Monthly or Weekly).
Notes: Enter any information desired to describe the recurring billing invoice.
Select the
OK button to save the information or
Close to cancel changes.
The phrase

will then be displayed in the top portion of the invoice above the Ship To customer information. The invoice must then be saved or printed to complete the setup process.
The generation of Recurring Bills is described in the
Recurring Billing action found in the
Accounts Receivable tasks.
Write Off Invoice
This action writes off a released (posted) invoice. The following adjustments are made:
- The invoice is removed from the customer’s accounts receivable.
- The quantities sold are NOT added back to the on hand inventory for the items on the invoice.
- Historical sales are not affected (used for reports and purchasing).
The invoice to be written off must be displayed on the screen. You cannot write off an open invoice - use
Void Invoice for open invoices.
You must recall the released (posted) invoice before selecting the
Write off Invoice action. The
Write off Invoice pop up windows has the following fields:
Write Off of Invoice xxxxx: The invoice to be written off.
Balance $ The balance remaining on the displayed invoice.
Account to write off to: Select the desired general ledger account to record the write off (i.e. General Income, Bad Debt, etc.).
Reasons for Write Off: Key the reason for the write off.
Write Off to record the write off or
Cancel to discard the changes.
The invoice is then redisplayed with the phase
WRITTEN OFF displayed in red across the face of the invoice.

When a written off invoice is reprinted, the phrase
VOIDED INVOICE prints in the upper right corner.
Void Invoice

This action voids an open invoice (either printed or only saved). The following adjustments are made:
- The invoice will not be added to the customer’s accounts receivable.
- The quantities sold are added back to the on hand inventory for the items on the invoice.
- The transaction will not be recorded in historical sales (used for reports and purchasing).
The invoice to be voided must be displayed on the screen. You cannot void a released (posted) invoice - use
Write off Invoice for released (posted) invoices.
Actions then select
Void Invoice.
The void invoice confirmation window is then displayed:
Yes to void the invoice or
No to return to cancel the void invoice process.
The voided invoice is then redisplayed with the phase
VOIDED displayed in red across the face of the invoice.
When a voided invoice is reprinted, the phase
VOIDED INVOICE prints in the upper right corner.
List Shipments
Opens the Invoice Search window to search for the
Related Shipments for the invoice currently displayed on the screen.

Select the desire Shipment number you wish to display.
Then close the window or drag it out of the way to view the
Shipping screen detail.
Search Location Inventory

This action displays the current on hand, committed, on order, and available on hand for the locations selected. This used to search for available inventory in remote locations.
Line Item Data
This action is used to toggle between
Auto and
Manual for the Invoice
Line Item Data option:
- Auto – as each item line is entered, inquire into the master database for the current item on hand, availability, and pricing.
- Manual – select the Action Get Live Values to inquire into the master database for the current item on hand, availability, and pricing for the items entered.
Get Live Values
Inquire into the master database for the current invoice line item for on hand, availability, and pricing.
Price Lookup
This menu option displays the
Price Lookup screen. This option displays the price of the item selected.
Document Signature
This action menu item allows the counterman to capture the customer's signature. The signature will be printed on the invoice from now on.
Add Customer

This feature allows the user to add a new customer on the Invoice screen. The
Customer Template dropdown copies all of the important data, such as Terms Codes and Price Profile, from the selected template customer. Once the new customer data is entered and the
Save button is selected, the new customer will become part of the customer base for the current location.
Scan Barcodes

This feature allows the user to scan the item's UPC. Once the item is scanned, the barcode screen will verify that the UPC is valid. If it is the item will be added to the Invoice. UPCs that didnt pass validation will display in red and be ignored.
Invoice Search Menu
The Invoice search action is an extremely powerful tool allowing the selection of desired invoices by a wide area of search field combinations.

Invoice searches are started by selecting one of the search links:
- Customer
- Invoice NO
- PO No
- Employee No
- Invoice Status
- Invoice
Or by selecting a
Search option from the
Menu bar:
Search options can be changed after the Search window is open. Also, select the
Down Arrow button to open the Date Range and Customer filter options. This secondary filter option can be closed by selecting the
Up Arrow button.
Note: For a
Date Range search, you must enter both the
From and the
To dates for the search to function correctly.