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Customer Count Sheets
Customer count sheets are designed for salesmen to go into a bodyshop and count the shop's inventory in order to establish their current levels and what the shop needs to order.
Associated Permissions
CustomerCountSheet_AddAll - Allows the user to create a customer count sheet out of the customer's inventory CustomerCountSheet_AddBlank - Allows the user to create an empty customer count sheet CustomerCountSheet_AddUsage - Allows the user to see the usage of an item CustomerCountSheet_CreateOrder - Allows the user to create a Work Order out of the customer count sheet CustomerCountSheet_Delete - Allows the user to delete the customer count sheet CustomerCountSheet_ItemAdd - Allows the user to add items to the customer count sheet CustomerCountSheet_ItemDelete - Allows the user to delete items on the customer count sheet CustomerCountSheet_ItemEdit - Allows the user to edit the counted quantity of items on the customer count sheet CustomerCountSheet_ItemEditStock - Allows the user to edit the item's stock levels CustomerCountSheet_List - Allows the user to see customer count sheets CustomerCountSheet_Print - Allows the user to print the customer count sheet CustomerCountSheet_View - Allows the user access to the customer count sheet screen
Navigate to the Customer Count Sheet Screen
Customer count sheet screen can be selected in the CDN .Net Left Nav in the
Inventory section.

Create a Customer Count Sheet
1 Select the
Add New button. The page below will be displayed.

2 populate the
Bill To and
Ship To fields with the appropriate customer 3 Type a name into the
Count Sheet Name field. 4 Select how the count sheet should be populated with the
Populate With dropdown. There are only two options, customer inventory and blank. If the user selects blank, a customer count sheet will be created with no items.

5 Select the
Add button. A new customer count sheet will be created.

Edit a Customer Count Sheet
Edit Quantities
This editing process will discuss how to change the counted, stock and Order quantities of an item on the customer count sheet.
Counted Quantity
Type the counted quantity of the item into the counted quantity field Fractional quantities are allowed.
Stock level
This field indicates the appropriate stock level the customer should have for each item.
Order Quantity
This value sets the quantity for the item on the subsequent order. The system will automatically generate the order quantity based on the counted quantity and stock level. The user has the ability to override the system generated value for any item.
Example: Item 1000002 has a stock level of 10 and 4 are counted in the customers shop. Once the
save button is selected the system will automatically type 6 into the
Order Quantity field and mark the item as counted.

Add new Items
This process is used to add new items to the customer count sheet. There are two ways to enter new items, scanning the item barcode or typing in the part number.
Note: Scanning the barcode option only works for items that have valid UPCs that match items in the Master Inventory.
Scanning the Barcode
1 Select the Scan mode checkbox.

2 Scan the item's barcode. If the UPC is found in the systme, the item will automatically add the item to the customer count sheet. If the UPC is invalid an error will be displayed.
Manually Adding Items
1 Type the part number into the
Item Code smart dropdown. As the user types the number the system will search for the item. Once the item in displayed in the dropdown, the user will need to select the item. 2 OPTIONAL Type the quantity that is being counted into the
Counted Qty field. This will automatically add the value into the
Counted Quantity field for the item when it is added to the item grid. 3 OPTIONAL Select the
Counted checkbox. This indicates to the system that the item has been fully counted. 4 Select the
Add buttton.
Before the
Add button is selected.

After it is selected.

Search for Items
This option is used when a user needs to find an item on a customer count sheet. At the top of each column there is a search field. A user can use one or many of these fields inorder to narrow the search results.

Delete an Item
This process is used to delete items from the customer count sheet. If the count sheet was generated from the customer's inventory, it will not delete the item from their inventory.
1 Select the checkbox next to the desired item(s). NOTE: The checkbox at the top of the item grid is used to select or deselect all of the items in the grid. 2 Select the
Delete button.
Zero Counted Quantities
The zero counted quantities process is used to remove the counted quantities from all or specific items.
1 Select the checkbox next to the desired item(s). NOTE: The checkbox at the top of the item grid is used to select or deselect all of the items in the grid. 2 Select the
Zero Counted Quantities button.
Mark as Counted
This process is designed to tell the system that all or specific items should be marked as counted. NOTE: As the user counts items the system will automatically indicate that the items have been counted. This should only be used if the user wants to skip typing 0 into the
Count Qty fields.
1 Select the checkbox next to the desired item(s). NOTE: The checkbox at the top of the item grid is used to select or deselect all of the items in the grid. 2 Select the
Mark as Counted button.
Display Usage
This option will give the user a glance at a specific item's usage without leaving the
customer count sheet screen.
1 Select the checkbox next to a single item. Usage can only be displayed for one item at a time. 2 OPTIONAL Select the
Include COnsignments checkbox. 3 Select the
Usage button.

Processing of a Customer Count Sheet
Adjust Quantities
This option affects the order quantities of all the items on the customer count sheet. It it used to adjust the order quantities from 1% to 200% of their current values. If more adjustment is needed the process can be repeated.
NOTE: the original values are not saved. If the user is unhappy with the results, they will have to readjust the values or manually alter them. for example: if the original adjustment was 200%, the user can readjust it at 50% to get to the original values.
1 Select the
Adjust Qtys button. 2 Indicate the adjustment value by using the
- and
+ buttons or type the value into the percentage field. 3 Select the
OK button.

Reset button will set all of the values back to the system indicated values (Stock level - counted quantity), but will not set any customer order quantity that was on the customer count sheet prior to adjusting the quantity.
Cancel button will close the adjust quantity window.
This option will complete the customer count sheet and will make it uneditable.
This action prints the customer count sheet. This option can be completed in the customer count sheet edit screen or the list screen. This will not complete the count sheet.
Compare two Customer Count Sheets
This action is used to compare key statistics of two customer count sheets. This can only be done from the Customer Count Sheets List screen.
1 Select the checkbox next to the two custoemr count sheets that need to be compared. 2 Select the
Print button.
This action saves all of the changes made since the customer count sheet was opened or last saved. The unsaved changes will appear pink on the screen.
Create Order
This action creates an order out of all the counted quantities for all of the items on the customer count sheet. This can be done on the list or edit screen, but the edit screen allows the user to enter more details for the order.
1 Complete the customer count sheet and select the
Save button. 2 OPTIONAL Select the location the order should be applied to by selecting it in the
Location dropdown. Customer default is the default value. 3 OPTIONAL Type a PO number into the
PO Number field. 4 Select the
Create Order button.

All of the order quantities will create a Work Order. Below is a link on how to process the Work Order.
WO Processing Help Documentation
Delete a Customer Count Shet
Deleting a customer count sheet can be preformed from the Customer Count Sheet List screen. This process removes the customer count sheet from the system.
1 Select the checkbox next to the customer count sheet that needs to be deleted. NOTE: The checkbox at the top of the grid is used to select or deselect all of the customer count sheets in the grid. 2 Select the
Delete button.