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Count Sheets
"Count Sheets" allow the user to create an online and printable count sheet that will enable the user to count and update their inventory. Multiple count sheets can be under way at any given time and each count sheet can be based on flexible criteria.
Associated Permissions:
- CountSheet_View - Allow a user to view the count sheet list
- CountSheet_Add - Allow a user to add new count sheets
- CountSheet_Edit - Allow a user to navigate to Count Sheet edit screen
- CountSheet_Post Allow users to post a count sheet
- CountSheet_ViewOnHand - Show On-hand/On-order/Committed quantities for Count Sheet items
- CountSheet_Sort - Allow a user to re-sort a count sheet
- CountSheet_Delete - Allow a user to delete a count sheet without posting
- CountSheet_Print - Allow print a count sheet
- CountSheet_ZeroItems - Allow users to change all item counts to zero on a count sheet
- CountSheetItem_Add - Allow users to add new items to a count sheet
- CountSheetItem_Delete - Allow users to delete existing items from a count sheet
- CountSheetItem_Lookup - Allow users to perform lookups on count sheet items or other selected item codes
- CountSheetItem_ChangeCount - Allow user to change the Counted Quantity on count sheet items
- CountSheetItem_MarkCounted - Allow users to indicate that a count sheet line has been counted
- CountSheetItem_MarkAffectUsage - Allow users to indicate that a count sheet line affects usage in reporting
Navigate to Count Sheets:
From ComCept .Net:
- Click on the "Local Inventory" link in the company section of the navigation menu.
- Mouse over the "Actions" menu header.
- Click on "Multi User Count Sheets".
From Project Utopia:
- Click on the "Inventory" menu header to expand the inventory section of the navigation menu.
- Click on the "Count Sheets" link in the inventory section of the navigation menu.
Add Count Sheets:
From the count sheet list screen click the "Add Sheet" button ( see below ).
You must enter a description for your count sheet. For instance, "9-30-11 A through B".
Optionally you can now specify filters to limit the number of items on your count sheet.

Optionally you can now test your count sheet to find out how many items will be on the count sheet. This will allow you keep the count sheet to a managable size.
Press the "Test" button and wait a moment. The application will then display a message informing you how many itmes will appear on your count sheet.
When you are satisfied with your filter settings click the "Add" button. You will now be taken to the
Count Sheet Edit screen.
Edit a Count Sheet:
From the
Count Sheet List screen select the
count sheet name of the count sheet you would like to edit. The
Count Sheet Edit screen automatically appears when a new count sheet is created.
You will now be taken to the
Count Sheet Edit screen. Here you should review the count sheet to ensure it contains all the items you require.
If it does not contain all the items you require and is only missing a few items you can add the items using the familiar add item controls, if it is missing many items you can of course add them all one at time here or you can go back to the "Count Sheet List" screen delete the count sheet and create a new one based on less restrictive filters.
If the count sheet contains all the items you require you can now print the count sheet for a paper count.
After you have counted all the items on the count sheet you can now return to the
Count Sheet Edit screen to make your changes to on hands. In each item you should update the "Counted Qty".
Once you have updated all your items select the
Save button. This will make the count for those items permenant and mark them counted so another employee will not recount the items.
Post a Count Sheet:
From the
Count Sheet List screen select the checkbox next to the count sheet that needs to be posted and select the
Post button. The
Count Sheet post dialog will appear.
You must select a GL Account to apply the inventory changes to. This account will be assigned to you by your controller. Please take care to select only the GL Account your controller wants you to use.
Once you have selected the right GL Account, select the
Post button.
Task Watcher dialog will now appear. This will show the user the status of the inventory update.
Wait a few moments and the
Task Watcher dialog will complete. Please close the
Task Watcher dialog by selecting the
Close button.
Inventory Count Discrepancy Report:
This report can be ran on finalized count sheets to compare before and after on hand values as well as the unit and dollars worth of changes that had taken place.
The report is located under the Inventory tab of Advanced Reports. Enter the Count sheet ID number on the parameters page and display the report. The example above was count sheet ID 452 which is also displayed at the top of all the printed count sheets.