Here you can search through the pages of this Namespace, their attachments and the files uploaded to the system.
Note: the results will only display the items you have permissions to read.
[...] Locations Updated Items for all locations will be updated regardless of whether they use master-level pricing. All Master Pricing Locations Updated Only items for locations using master pricing [...]
Promotional Pricing Documentation Revision History 6/21/2011 - Initial revision by Rob Gamble 6/28/2011 - Updated screen shots by Rob Gamble 1/18/2013 - Added support for Minimum Price Summary ComCept .Net allows flexible promotional pricing, and introduces a powerful Price Lookup that simplifies and explains even the most advanced pricing structures. Promotional Pricing DEFINITION Promotional Pricing allows you to create system-wide price profiles [...]
Price Lookup It is possible to set up very complex pricing scenarios, depending on your needs. It may even become difficult to track how a price was calculated, because the pricing tools at your disposal are so flexible. The Price Lookup feature is a powerful tool to for analyzing precisely how a price was determined.
You can reach the Price Lookup from the main menu. There are also shortcuts to the Price Lookup from the Actions menu in all point-of-sale functions, as well as the “Explain Pricing” link [...]
[...] details.
Is Vendor: Select this box to indicate that this is a valid vendor for use in Inventory, Pricing, and Purchasing tasks.
Is Manufacturer: Select this box to indicate that this is a valid manufacturer for use in Inventory, Pricing, and Purchasing tasks.
Customer Address and Contact
Address 1: This is the first line of the customer’s address.
Address 2: This is the second line of the customer’s address.
City: This is the city for the customer’s address.
State: This is the state for the customer’s address.
Postal Code: [...]
Customer Special Pricing This screen is designed to give specific customers pricing that no other customer will receive. The customer's pricing can range from one item to every item in the system. This pricing works inconjunction with the customer's Price Profile . Customer Special Pricing can be accessed in CDN .Net or CDN .Net Thin Client (Utopia). CDN .Net :
Customer Special Pricing is a [...]
[...] billing, shipping and credit information. Invoice information, search, and control. Item billing and pricing. Customer messages and notes boxes. Invoice tax and totals boxes. Invoice Actions Icons.
Customer billing, shipping, and credit information:
Invoice Information, search, and control:
Item Billing and Pricing:
Customer Messages and Notes Boxes:
Invoice Taxes and Totals Boxes:
Invoice Actions Icons:
Note: The following sections are in the same order that the (Tab) key follows during date entry. [...]
1.0 Price Levels Explained 1.1 List Price This price comes directly from the Inventory record. It is the “shelf” price for the item and it displayed on the Invoice to communicate to the user when their final (Net) price is different. 1.2 Profile Price This is the price that is calculated from the settings in the Price Profile record and Customer Special Pricing. see Utopia Pricing Explained 1.3 Base Price This price defaults to the Profile [...]
[...] create an order for a different ship to ExtranetCustomer_OrderPricing - Allows the user to see the pricing on an order ExtranetCustomer_OrderSubmit - Allows the user to send the order to the distributor ExtranetCustomer_OrderUsageHistory - Allows the user to build the order from uasge or see the order's history ExtranetCustomer_OrderView - Allows the user to see the order list screen
Opening CollisionLinx
1 Open an internet browser. IE is the supported browser.
2 Type into the URL field.
3 Type the vendor code into the Vendor field.
4 Type [...]
[...] Creating Credits from Invoices
Credit Card Processing
Customer Count Sheets
Customer Special Pricing
Flow chart of all the processes that create work orders
Free Goods
Emailing Invoices and Credits
Guide for CollisionLinx Orders page
Invoices - Part 1
Invoices - Part 2
Invoice Shipments
Invoice, Creating Invoices from Credits
Price Levels - Detailed explaination
Pricing Flowchart
Pricing Profiles
Promotional Pricing
Procedure to Ensure [...]
[...] accessed from the Thin Client version of ComCept.Net. It is located under the “Company” tab by selecting “Pricing Profile” as pictured below. From this screen Price Profiles, Customer Special Pricings and Free Goods can be added, modified, or removed. Proper security clearance is required to access this area of the application. Search Screen
The top box of the opening screen allows you to search for a specific profile by name, including the ability to do a wild card search by a part of the profile name using the “%” symbol. Example: enter “%shop” to return entries [...]
[...] process a Mobile Count Sheet.
Closed Count Sheet - sends the count sheet to CDN .Net Thin Client(Utopia), but doesn't do anything else with it. The count sheet is closed and no further processing can be done to it. Open Count Sheet - Sends the count sheet as open to CDN. Net Thin Client (Utopia). A user at the store can continue to modify the customer count sheet and process it as they choose. Work Order - Sends the count sheet as closed to CDN .Net Thin Client (Utopia) and creates a Work Order out of the [...]
[...] database. If you have an item with Multiple UOM's assigned, only the one UOM that matches the Published Pricing per the Manufacturer should have the Vendor Part Number populated. The other UOMs should not have a Vendor Part Number supplied and will not be updated. Any other item numbers that are included within the manufacturer but were not made available to ComCept for an update: (Discontinued items, Specialty items not part of the standard price sheet... etc.)
What Does PricePro update? Manufacturer product lines list: Supported Product Lines Only items supplied [...]
[...] Upload a Master Inventory spreadsheet using data maintenance. DM_MasterPricingUpdate Upload a Master Pricing spreadsheet using data maintenance. DM_LocalInventoryUpdate Upload a Local Inventory spreadsheet using data maintenance. DM_AttributeAssign Upload an Attribute spreadsheet using data maintenance. DM_TaxGroupExemption Upload a Tax Group Exemption spreadsheet using data maintenance. DM_PriceProfiles Upload a Customer Special Pricing / Pricing Profiles spreadsheet using data maintenance. DM_CustomerEmailAdd [...]
[...] item line is entered, inquire into the master database for the current item on hand, availability, and pricing. Manual – select the Action Get Live Values to inquire into the master database for the current item on hand, availability, and pricing for the items entered.
Get Live Values
Inquire into the master database for the current invoice line [...]
[...] checkbox indicates the master location. This can only be changed by ComCept employees. Master Level Pricing: Check if changes to Master Level Pricing [...]
[...] customer info. Consignment will be priced according the customer selected price profile and special pricing instructions. From Consignment Screen: Actions: Clone Consignment: This takes a previously created consignment and creates a new Consignment with all item codes. User must select a customer for the new consignment. Consignment will re priced according to customer price profile and special pricing [...]
[...] can be accessed from the 'Thin Client" version of Comcept.Net. Located under the 'Company Tab' under Pricing Profile section pictured below. From this screen Price Profiles, Customer Special Pricing [...]
[...] Level or you can grant them a Permission through one of your many Security Groups. Security levels are explained here. When ComCept .Net was first built, users were assigned a Security Level. Simply put, higher Security Levels allowed access to more functions. For example, anyone at Security Level 1 could view and create invoices, where Security Level 3 users could create Purchase Orders, in addition to all the invoice-related access. This is because every Security Level automatically has access to the functions in a lower Security Level. For example, Security Level 2 [...]
[...] expand the Add Vendor Cost and Filter sections of the screen.
By default, the screen will filter pricing for the location you are logged in to.
Vendor Costs are entered by Item Code , by Unit of Measure , by Location .
Location 02 only receives special pricing [...]
[...] Is Manufacturer: Select this box to indicate that this is a valid manufacturer for use in Inventory, Pricing, and Purchasing tasks.
Is Active: Select this box to indicate that this is a valid vendor for use in Inventory, Pricing, [...]
[...] section.
Is Vendor: Select this box to indicate that this is a valid vendor for use in Inventory, Pricing, and Purchasing tasks.
Is Active: Select this box to indicate that this is a valid manufacturer for use in Inventory, Pricing, [...]
[...] Inventory - Master
Inventory - Master UOMs
Inventory - Local (Location)
Inventory - Update Item Pricing
Notes (Customer, Inventory Items, Vendors/Manufacturers)
Preferences (System Settings)
Pricing [...]
[...] customer. Navigation to the Screen The screen can be accessed in CDN .Net or CDN .Net Thin Client (Utopia).
CDN .Net Select Customer lookup from the Left Nav or select Customer Lookup from the Lookups hover menu.
CDN .Net Thin Client (Utopia) [...]
[...] Navigation to the Screen
The Alert Subscriptions screen can only be accessed in the CDN .Net Thin Client (Utopia).
Select Alert Subscriptions in the Human [...]
[...] the CDN Item Number. Also, a vendor part entered in the Master Inventory task in the Unit of Measure/Pricing section will automatically fill this field [...]
[...] or leave Radio Beacon. A Radio Beacon location also has unique status for its documents. Utopia Invoice Add an item [...]
[...] the CDN Item Number. Also, a vendor part entered in the Master Inventory task in the Unit of Measure/Pricing section will automatically fill this field [...]
[...] Changes
Flow chart of all the documents in ComCept .Net
Multi-User Count Sheet Guide
Taxing Explained
Document Status Changes
ComCept .Net [...]