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Manage Generated Pos/XFers

This functionality if used to its maximum capacity completely removes the need to log into another store location to print drop ship PO's or release Transfers or Quick Transfers.

Purchase Order/Return Goods PO flow:

  1. Generate the order
  2. Edit quantities or add items as required.
  3. Change Sort on the order as desired.
  4. "Complete" the PO. Employee number is required
  5. Upon selecting to "Complete" the PO an option to also print the actual Fax-Ready PO ill be displayed.

Transfer Order/Overstock Transfer flow:

  1. Generate the Order
  2. Edit Quantities or add items as required.
  3. Change Sort on the order as desired.
  4. "Complete" the Transfer. Employee number is required
  5. Upon selecting "Complete" an option is displayed to also "Release" the order. If "Release" is selected you can then select "Print" as well. The printed document is the actual Work Order Picking Ticket for the Shipping Location.
  6. From this point use the Create Shipment function from work Order screen.
  7. Utilize the Receipt Worksheet to receive the shipment and have product relocate from shipping location to destination location.

Quick Transfer flow:

  1. Generate the Order
  2. Perform any initial quantity changes or add new items as needed.
  3. Use Advanced Reports "Pending PO and Xfer Worksheet" to print the Quick Transfer worksheet to use as a picking ticket for the order.
  4. Perform final edits and additions to the worksheet to exactly match what is being shipped.
  5. Change Sort on the order as desired.
  6. "Complete" the Quick Transfer. Employee number is required
  7. Upon selecting "Complete" an option is displayed to also "Release" the order if "Release" is selected you can then select "Print" as well. The printed document is a Work order Picking ticket which can be used as a packing slip.
  8. Upon completing and also releasing a Quick Transfer Worksheet the inventory is automatically relocated from shipping location to destination location.

Actions: Manage Generated PO/Xfers

This command in the "Actions" menu at the top of the PO screen brings up new dialog box that will show all actively managed orders.

This screen lists all pending orders that have been generated by analyzing your product usage data. You see all the orders that are still being worked before you have completed them as live orders.


Add PO/XFer

If there are no actively managed orders on this screen, click the "Add PO/Xfer" button to add an order. This button takes you to a screen where you specify criteria for an order or transfer. The screen should be familiar to you since it is a direct port of the old Generate PO screen. Once you create an order on this screen, the order will appear in the Manage Generated Orders list


This button simply closes the Manage Generated PO/XFer screen.


By pressing the Edit button next to an order or transfer, you will be taken to the PO Worksheet.

Order Generation:

You do not need to be logged into the application as the location the merchandise is for. However, after the worksheet has been edited in the worksheet stage and the actual PO, RGPO or Transfer has been created you need to log into that location to add additional items, or in the case of a Transfer to release it. The PO, RGPO or Transfer Worksheet number is the same number the actual PO, RGPO or Transfer will be created as.

Steps to generate a Purchase Order:


Generate New:  Select "Purchase Order". You have other options, such as Transfer and Quick Transfer, but this example covers Purchase Orders.

Weighted Months:  Select months of sales history to be used for calculating order points. You select a month by indicating its weight, from 1 to 9. The higher the number, the more important the month will be when comparing against other selected months.

Replenishment Date Range:  Select this style of order to only replenish exactly what was sold for a given time period.  “For locations that like to maintain a ‘static inventory’.  Selecting this rather then a weighted month calculation will only look at actual usage based on sales and adjustments that effected usage within a specified date range.  Any item with usage will be added to this style of order.  Safety stocks, Current on hands and Current on orders will be viewable but are not taken into consideration. 

Usage Based On:  Select the location to be used for generating the order points as well as the current on hand amount of that location. **NOTE** When creating an order for a single location this must be set equal to the "Destination” location. When creating an order for all locations combined or separate orders for multiple locations; select the desired locations to be considered.

Purchase From: Select the Vendor for the desired PO. Type the first letter of the vendor name. If more then one vendor begins with that letter you can continue typing the first letter or use the arrow keys up or down to cycle through them. Selecting the Purchase from Vendor will automatically populate the "Filter Inventory by Vendor" with the same Vendor. This also refreshes the "Filter by Manufacturer / Product Line" display with only those manufactures and product lines associated to that vendor.

Create Multiple Orders by Usage or One Order For:  Selecting this option will allow you to create multiple orders based on all selected “Usage Based on” locations.  Not selecting this box with more then one locations usage selected will consolidate the order into the selected “Destination” location.

Destination: This is the location where the order is to arrive. This location will hold the "On Order" amounts for the requested PO.

Filter Inventory by Vendor: If you select a vendor from this list, the inventory placed on your order will be limited to those items that are assigned to the selected vendor in your Inventory maintenance screens. This is very useful when you need to place a 3M "fill-in" order to a local warehouse, for parts you ordinarily buy directly from 3M. In such cases, you select 3M as the "Filter Inventory" field, but you select your local warehouse distributor as the "Purchase From". Note: Although this filter is optional, this filter must be the same as the Purchase From vendor if ordering products only associated to the Purchase From vendor

Only Allow These Manufacturer/Product Lines: If you only want to order parts for a specific manufacturer, or a particular product line within that manufacturer, place a check in the "Only Allow...." checkbox to enable this list. Then place a check next to each manufacturer and / or product line that is allowed on your order. Be advised that if you choose a manufacturer, any product line selections will be ignored. For example, if you choose 3M *and* you choose a 3M line, all 3M lines will be used anyway. Also be aware that the list of manufacturers and their product lines will be filtered by any selection made in the "Filter Inventory by Vendor" list. Note: This filter is optional, and it is available for POs, transfers and overstock reports.

# of Days Supply: Enter the desired time the order should last in calendar days.

Lead Time: Enter the number of days it takes the order to arrive once placed with the vendor.

Display Zero-Quantity Items: Check this box to show all items within the vendor on the PO worksheet. These are items based on the sales history selected that do not require additional stock. Not recommended for use when generating Transfers. NOTE: This option is not to be used at the same time as "Show Safety Stock Items", described below".

Apply "50% Rule": Select this to eliminate items that require an add supply less then the Purchase minimum set for that item. **NOTE** Safety Stocks will always override this calculation and automatically order the purchase minimum set for that item.

Use On Order Quantities:  Selecting this field will create an order that will consider items on other open orders.  Uncheck to not look at other on orders.

Include Consignments: Select this if consigned merchandise from the months of history selected should be used in the calculation for order points.

Create Empty Worksheet: Select this if you want a completely empty worksheet. That is, the worksheet will still be assigned a vendor or transferring locations, but your usage history indicators and vendor/manufacturer/product line filters will have no effect: zero lines will be added to the worksheet. This is useful if you want to add items to a worksheet completely from scratch.

Show Safety Stock Items: Select this option if you wish to see all items included in parameters selected that have a safety stock level. All items that have a non-zero safety stock level will be displayed on the worksheet even if they do not need to be ordered. NOTE: This is not to be used at the same time as "Display Zero Quantity Items" as described above.

Include Transfers in Usage: Select this option to include transfers in the overall usage calculation.

Click "Create" to generate the Worksheet. You will be taken back to the Generated Order List.

Steps to generate a Transfer Order or a "Quick" Transfer:

Instructions are the same as generating a PO worksheet with a few differences.

Order Type: Select Transfer Order or if desired select "Quick" Transfer Order. The difference is that Transfers have a complete audit trail and workflow, where Quick Transfers are sent immediately after being released.

Select months of sales history to be used for calculating order points. Or use the Replenishment Date Range.

Usage Based On: Select the Location or Locations to Create orders for.  For a single location this will be the same location as Destination.

Transfer From: Select the location that is shipping the merchandise. This is the location that receives the Work Order when a completed Transfer Order has been released.

Create Multiple Orders by Usage or One Order For:  Selecting this option will allow you to create multiple orders based on all selected “Usage Based on” locations.  All orders will be use the “Transfer From” location as the shipper.  Destination location is not looked at when selecting this field.

Destination: Select the location requesting the merchandise.

Filter Inventory by Vendor: If you select a vendor from this list, the inventory placed on your order will be limited to those items that are assigned to the selected vendor in your Inventory maintenance screens. This is very useful when you want to only transfer items to another location within one vendor. Leave this field set to (inventory from any vendor) to generate a transfer or quick transfer across all items available for transfer Note: This filter is optional, and it is available for POs, transfers and overstock reports.

Only Allow These Manufacturer/Product Lines: If you only want to order parts for a specific manufacturer, or a particular product line within that manufacturer, place a check in the "Only Allow...." checkbox to enable this list. Then place a check next to each manufacturer and / or product line that is allowed on your order. Be advised that if you choose a manufacturer, any product line selections will be ignored. For example, if you choose 3M *and* you choose a 3M line, all 3M lines will be used anyway. Also be aware that the list of manufacturers and their product lines will be filtered by any selection made in the "Filter Inventory by Vendor" list. Note: This filter is optional, and it is available for POs, transfers and overstock related orders.

Steps to generate an Overstock Report:

Generate New: Select Overstock Report

Select months of sales history to be used for calculating order points

Usage Based On: Select the location to be used for generating the order points as well as the current on hand amount of that location. This location will also be selected as the Overstocked Location.

Overstocked Location: Select the same location as the Usage based on Location.

Filter Inventory by Vendor: If you select a vendor from this list, the inventory placed on your overstock report will be limited to only that vendor. To create an overstock report across all vendors set this to "(inventory from any vendor)". Note: This filter is optional, and it is available for POs, transfers and overstock reports.

Only Allow These Manufacturer/Product Lines: If you only want to view overstocked items within certain manufacturers or specific product lines within that manufacturer, place a check in the "Only Allow...." checkbox to enable this list. Then place a check next to each manufacturer and / or product line that is allowed on your order. Be advised that if you choose a manufacturer, any product line selections will be ignored. For example, if you choose 3M *and* you choose a 3M line, all 3M lines will be used anyway. Also be aware that the list of manufacturers and their product lines will be filtered by any selection made in the "Filter Inventory by Vendor" list. Note: This filter is optional, and it is available for POs, transfers and overstock reports.

# of Days Supply: Enter the desired number of days for product not considered as overstock.

Lead Time: Enter a value of "1" in this field.

Display Zero Quantity Items: This field is not used for Overstock Reports. Leave this field unchecked.

Include Consignments: Select this option if consignments created during months of history used are to be included in calculating usage.

Click "Create" to generate the overstock report.

Once created the overstock report will be displayed in the Manage Generated PO/Xfer screen. Click on "View" to display the report. This report is also available under advanced reporting section to view overstock reports currently created.

You can delete Overstock Reports from the generated worksheets screen by clicking the "X" next to the report you wish to remove. You can also use the Filter option to only display the Orders and Transfers.  Once an Overstock report is removed it can no longer be accessed in advanced reports.

Steps to Generate an Overstock Transfer:

Generate New:  Select "Overstock Transfer"

Weighted Months:  Select months of sales history to be used for calculating order points. You select a month by indicating its weight, from 1 to 9. The higher the number, the more important the month will be when comparing against other selected months.

Replenishment Date Range:  Do Not Use on Overstock type orders.

Usage Based On:  Select the location or locations desired to pull overstock inventory from.  If more then one location is selected, each location will generate a separate overstock transfer.

Overstock To:  Select the Location the Overstock merchandise is to be sent to. 

Filter Inventory by Vendor: If you select a vendor from this list, the inventory searched for overstock will be limited to only that vendor.

Only Allow These Manufacturer/Product Lines: If you only want to order parts for a specific manufacturer, or a particular product line within that manufacturer, place a check in the "Only Allow...." checkbox to enable this list. Then place a check next to each manufacturer and / or product line that is allowed on your order. Be advised that if you choose a manufacturer, any product line selections will be ignored. For example, if you choose 3M *and* you choose a 3M line, all 3M lines will be used anyway. Also be aware that the list of manufacturers and their product lines will be filtered by any selection made in the "Filter Inventory by Vendor" list. Note: This filter is optional, and it is available for POs, transfers and overstock reports.

# of Days Supply: Enter the desired amount of days the worth of stock the location should maintain on hand.

Lead Time: Optional if you want to set a time frame for how long before the actual transfer will take place.

Display Zero-Quantity Items: Do not use on overstock type orders.

Use On Order Quantities:  Selecting this field will create an order that will consider items on other open orders.  Uncheck to not look at other on orders.

Include Consignments: Select this if consigned merchandise from the months of history selected should be used in the calculation for order points.

Click "Create" to generate the Worksheet/worksheets.

Steps to Generate a Return Goods PO:


Generate New:  Return Goods PO

Generate New: Select "Purchase Order". You have other options, such as Transfer and Quick Transfer, but this example covers Purchase Orders.

Weighted Months: Select months of sales history to be used for calculating order points. You select a month by indicating its weight, from 1 to 9. The higher the number, the more important the month will be when comparing against other selected months.

Replenishment Date Range: Select this style of order to only replenish exactly what was sold for a given time period. “For locations that like to maintain a ‘static inventory’. Selecting this rather then a weighted month calculation will only look at actual usage based on sales and adjustments that effected usage within a specified date range. Any item with usage will be added to this style of order. Safety stocks, Current on hands and Current on orders will be viewable but are not taken into consideration.

Usage Based On: Select the location to be used for generating the order points as well as the current on hand amount of that location. **NOTE** When creating an order for a single location this must be set equal to the "Destination” location. When creating an order for all locations combined or separate orders for multiple locations; select the desired locations to be considered.

Purchase From: Select the Vendor for the desired PO. Type the first letter of the vendor name. If more then one vendor begins with that letter you can continue typing the first letter or use the arrow keys up or down to cycle through them. Selecting the Purchase from Vendor will automatically populate the "Filter Inventory by Vendor" with the same Vendor. This also refreshes the "Filter by Manufacturer / Product Line" display with only those manufactures and product lines associated to that vendor.

Create Multiple Orders by Usage or One Order For: Selecting this option will allow you to create multiple orders based on all selected “Usage Based on” locations. Not selecting this box with more then one locations usage selected will consolidate the order into the selected “Destination” location.

Destination: This is the location where the order is to arrive. This location will hold the "On Order" amounts for the requested PO.

Filter Inventory by Vendor: If you select a vendor from this list, the inventory placed on your order will be limited to those items that are assigned to the selected vendor in your Inventory maintenance screens. This is very useful when you need to place a 3M "fill-in" order to a local warehouse, for parts you ordinarily buy directly from 3M. In such cases, you select 3M as the "Filter Inventory" field, but you select your local warehouse distributor as the "Purchase From". Note: Although this filter is optional, this filter must be the same as the Purchase From vendor if ordering products only associated to the Purchase From vendor

Only Allow These Manufacturer/Product Lines: If you only want to order parts for a specific manufacturer, or a particular product line within that manufacturer, place a check in the "Only Allow...." checkbox to enable this list. Then place a check next to each manufacturer and / or product line that is allowed on your order. Be advised that if you choose a manufacturer, any product line selections will be ignored. For example, if you choose 3M *and* you choose a 3M line, all 3M lines will be used anyway. Also be aware that the list of manufacturers and their product lines will be filtered by any selection made in the "Filter Inventory by Vendor" list. Note: This filter is optional, and it is available for POs, transfers and overstock reports.

# of Days Supply: Enter the desired time the order should last in calendar days.

Lead Time: Enter the number of days it takes the order to arrive once placed with the vendor.

Display Zero-Quantity Items: Check this box to show all items within the vendor on the PO worksheet. These are items based on the sales history selected that do not require additional stock. Not recommended for use when generating Transfers. NOTE: This option is not to be used at the same time as "Show Safety Stock Items", described below".

Apply "50% Rule": Select this to eliminate items that require an add supply less then the Purchase minimum set for that item. **NOTE** Safety Stocks will always override this calculation and automatically order the purchase minimum set for that item.

Use On Order Quantities: Selecting this field will create an order that will consider items on other open orders. Uncheck to not look at other on orders.

Include Consignments: Select this if consigned merchandise from the months of history selected should be used in the calculation for order points.

Create Empty Worksheet: Select this if you want a completely empty worksheet. That is, the worksheet will still be assigned a vendor or transferring locations, but your usage history indicators and vendor/manufacturer/product line filters will have no effect: zero lines will be added to the worksheet. This is useful if you want to add items to a worksheet completely from scratch.

Show Safety Stock Items: Select this option if you wish to see all items included in parameters selected that have a safety stock level. All items that have a non-zero safety stock level will be displayed on the worksheet even if they do not need to be ordered. NOTE: This is not to be used at the same time as "Display Zero Quantity Items" as described above.

Include Transfers in Usage: Select this option to include transfers in the overall usage calculation.

Click "Create" to generate the Worksheet. You will be taken back to the Generated Order List.

PO/Xfer Worksheet

On this screen, you can make changes to quantities for your order, look up item usage history, finish the order (allow it to be accessed and printed from the PO screen), or cancel the order entirely.

The "Set" buttons have been removed and replaced with a "Save" and "Reset" button. Previously the "Set" button needed to be used after each change to a quantity on the worksheet.

Change Sort

Allows the order to be re-sorted by multiple fields. The last sort performed prior to completing the order will be the sort on the actual Live Order

Employee Number

Employee number is required before a "Complete" can be performed.


You now can save changes made to an entire page worth of changes by clicking the "Save" button. All changes made to a screen will turn that cell yellow. Once changes have been made the (change sort, lookup, add item, and complete) buttons will be inactive until a save has been performed. Navigating to a new page also auto-saves the current page.


This button removes changes made to a screen that have not been saved.


To view the item usage of an item on the worksheet, simply click on the blue underlined Item Code. To view item usage of items not on the worksheet, use the "Item Lookup" button at the bottom of the screen.

Add Item

You can add additional items to the worksheet. This screen now has "Smart lookup dropdown selection" as you type your item code. The "verify" button has been removed from this interface as it is no longer required.

Items added to a worksheet are added to the top of the sheet. "Change sort" can then be utilized to re-sort the items into the desired order


When you are satisfied with your order, you may finalize (create) it from the Worksheet. You must press Edit button next to the order and "Create" it from there. The order will not appear in the Manage list after you do this, though it will be accessible from the regular PO/XFer screen that you are accustomed to. Note: Transfers must still be "released" from the Transfer screen after this step has taken place

Print and/or Release

This interface appears after selecting to "Complete" the order. Allows on a purchase order and Returned Goods order to print the actual Fax-Ready PO/RGPO. For Transfer Orders and Quick Transfer orders it allows you to "Release" the order and if "Release" is selected to also "Print" the actual Work Order Picking Ticket.

Cancel PO/XFer

If you decide that you need to cancel (delete) a generated order for any reason, you must press the Edit button next to the order and Cancel it from there. The order will not appear in the Manage list after you do this, though it will be accessible (read-only) from the PO/XFer screen


This button simply closes the Worksheet. Any unsaved changes will not be maintained.
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