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This search, performed through 6.31 MB (316 documents, 6337 words), completed in 0.5 seconds and yielded 30 results.

Manufacture Batch Documentation — 28.6%

[...] essentially a template or starting point for a Manufacture Batch, all Batches require a Formula. This page is where the formulas will affect inventory once the batch is complete. Users can alter the batch, any alterations will not be reflected in the original formula. For further information on how to create a Formula, here is a guide on how to get started: Formula Documentation Security Permissions to create Manufacture Batches: • Formula_Manufacture_Delete - Allows users to delete an existing batch • Formula_Manufacture_Save - Allows users to create, edit, and delete [...]

Formulas Documentation — 21.4%

[...] Formula_Save - Allows users to add/edit existing Formulas • Formula_View - Allows users to see the Formula Page Formula Home page 1. Search for formulas using filtering criteria: a. Name - Allows the user to search for any piece of the name b. Description - Allows the user to search for any piece of the description c. Ingredient – Allows the user to find a formula based on an item in the formula d. Formula Type - Product or Packing formula types e. Active Formulas Only 2. Select the Search button after selecting your filtering [...]

New Data Maintenance — 2.2%

[...] from the misuse of ComCept .Net Data Maintenance, all assistance provided to you by ComCept Solutions support personnel will be billable.  Assistance may include walking users through troubleshooting and repair steps for minor situations.  If there is no way to repair data, it may be necessary to restore a backup of the organization’s database, which will result in the loss of other changes since the backup was made.  In some extreme circumstances, a database backup may not be available, depending on how long ago the data loss occurred.  Security Access to ComCept .Net [...]

Navigation - Reporting Navigation page — 0.7%

Categories Help Documentation ComCept Report Engine ComCept Report Engine - Printing Interactively for the First Time Legacy Reports Help Documentation Transaction Journal Help Documentation Utopia Reports Help Documentation

Navigation - Data Maintenance Navigation page — 0.7%

Change Item Type Data List Maintenance Help Documentation Data Maintenance - New Online Version PricePro Instructions and Setup

Navigation - Mobile Navigation page — 0.7%

Mobile Suite ComCept Mobile Application Suite - Software Releases/Updates - User guide Status changes for Mobile Suite documents   Mobile Suite - Signatures Mobile Suite - Count Sheets   Mobile Suite - Orders Mobile Suite - Item Lookup     Mobile Shop Mobile Shop - Requirements [...]

Multi-User Count Sheet Guide — 0.7%

Multi-User Count Sheets page has been enhanced evening of 4-26-2010 See below for information. List of changes: The current count sheet list and the add new count sheet have been merged into one page. a. Top of the screen offers a search capability of existing sheets as well as the list of current count sheets. i. You now select the countsheets for tasks with a check box then choose the task to perform with the buttons located directly under the list of count sheets. b. The bottom half of the page [...]

Guide for CollisionLinx Orders page — 0.7%

A new CollisionLinx Orders, (formerly “Online Orders” page will be released Monday Evening 4-26-2010 and be in effect Tuesday Morning 4-27-2010. Below is a screenshot of the new page. Functionality tips are located below the image. Notes on changes: The link for accessing the order accepting page has been renamed from “ Online Orders” to “CollisionLinx Orders”. The default opening page for this page has settings to only show Released Orders [...]

Signatures-Documentation — 0.7%

[...] copies of all documents with a CollisionLinx login. Signatures can be captured directly on the invoice page, using a mouse or touch-screen to sign at the point-of-sale.  Additionally, ComCept built a mobile application that would allow drivers to capture signatures while out on deliveries.  Users could even scan bar codes on invoices and packing slips to auto-feed point-of-sale documents into the signature capture software. NEW SIGNATURE CAPTURE Signature Capture capabilities are now available in ComCept Mobile .Net.  This has several advantages: Mobile .Net user [...]

Document Upload in Document Generation — 0.6%

[...] batch. Build an Empty Doc Gen Batch Select Document Generation from the ComCept .Net Thin Client navigation menu.  The Document Generation List page will appear. Select the New Batch button.  The first page of the Document Generation wizard appears.   Type a descriptive name into the Batch Name field.   Select the Empty Batch button.  A confirmation message will appear, select the OK button on the message.  You will be taken to the Document Generation Document List page. [...]

Time Clock Overview of Changes 8/24/2010 - Part 1 — 0.6%

[...] security if they should be allowed to change a date range or un‐approve a payroll batch. General Navigation: Within the core application Time Clock can still be accessed from the actions menu of the home page. Navigation is also available under the Human Resources section of the Utopia navigation bar. General: Anywhere within the Time Clock screens you can click on the blue info link to display help tips for that function. Click on the popup again to close it [...]

WO Processing Help Documentation — 0.5%

[...] Orders are displayed based on the upper portions parameters. There are 10 Work Orders displayed per page. Navigate from page to page using the page numbers in the lower right corner. You can sort the displayed results by any one column by clicking on that column name. The far left column is used for selecting which Work Orders will be processed. (Described below under“Work Order Processing Tasks”) Order Column: This column displays the actual Work Order transaction number. Source [...]

3M Order Center Functionality - Steps to Upload Orders Directly to 3M — 0.5%

[...] Sign onto 3M Order Center ( www.3M.com/secure ). Step 4: Click on Order Center in the left hand navigation. Step 5: If you have multiple ship-to or charge to locations, click on change at the top of the screen, and select the location you want to ship or charge to. Step 6: Click on Order FileUpload in the left hand navigation. Step 7: Click on the Browse button to find the order you just saved on your system. Step 8: Select the type of file you saved. (It is best to use Tab or Comma delimited ) Step 9: Select the format you [...]

Preferences Navigation Page — 0.4%

Preferences Printing Inventory Accounting Credit Card Documents List Filtering CollisionLinx Misc On each of the  Preference tabs, items are grouped by either Company Specific or Location Specific . 1. If you make changes [...]

Navigation - Warehouse Management page — 0.4%

Radio Beacon - What documents it receives and produces flowchart Status changes for all Radio Beacon documents

Navigation - Support — 0.4%

Inventory Adjustments Security Setup Task Processing Flow Chart Turn DEP off Windows 11 Topics

Navigation - Accounts Receivable page — 0.4%

A/R Credit Holds Help Documentation Receive Payments Help Documentation Recurring Billing Help Documentation Service Charges Help Documentation

Lookup Navigation Page — 0.4%

Customer Lookup Item Availability Lookup   Item Lookup   Price Lookup Transaction Lookup    

Navigation - CollisionLinx page — 0.4%

How to setup a New CollisionLinx Customer Purchase Profile Help Documentation Status changes of CollisionLinx documents CollisionLinx Application: CollisionLinx Help Documentation CollisionLinx Login Documentation CollisionLinx Orders Help Documentation CollisionLinx Item Lookup [...]

Accounting Navigation Page — 0.4%

Accounting Enhancements from Version 5.3.46 - Part 1 Accounting Enhancements from Version 5.3.46 - Part 2 Accounting Enhancements from Version 5.3.46 - Part 3 GL Accounts Help Documentation

Navigation - Master Record Maintenance page — 0.4%

A Master record is the primary object used throughout the system.  Example of master records are customer, inventory, vendors, manfacturers, store locations, etc. Adding New Part Number Procedure   Attributes Bins Bin Items Categories Count Sheets Customers Customer Count Sheet [...]

Promotional Pricing Documentation — 0.4%

[...] 6/21/2011 - Initial revision by Rob Gamble 6/28/2011 - Updated screen shots by  Rob Gamble 1/18/2013 - Added support for Minimum Price Summary ComCept .Net allows flexible promotional pricing, and introduces a powerful Price Lookup that simplifies and explains even the most advanced pricing structures. Promotional Pricing DEFINITION Promotional Pricing allows you to create system-wide price profiles that apply to all customers.  These promotional price profiles allow you to define quantity break discounts as well as dated special prices.  Promotions serve to lower the price [...]

Security Changes 2018 — 0.4%

[...] groups. While we were making security changes, we also added some features to the Security Maintenance page, so you will have an easier time managing all these permissions. Details ComCept made some essential changes to security.  These changes allow you to better control which users can perform functions on the Point-of-Sale pages within ComCept .Net.  We also diminished the importance of “Security Levels” in Point-of-Sale functions, which will require security administrators to act in the next few weeks. Briefly, we: created new permission checks removed unneeded [...]

PricePro Instructions and Setup — 0.4%

[...] still open. If the Data Maintenance application was still open click on "Next" to get to the upload page. If the original downloaded sheet name is the same name as the upload sheet desired simply clicking "Next" will begin the upload of your new prices. If the sheet name is different then click on "Browse" and locate the sheet to be uploaded, followed by "Next" to begin the upload. If Data Maintenance was closed then select Upload Spreadsheet from the opening page followed by "Next". Select the Spreadsheet Type of "PricePro Update". [...]

CollisionLinx Help Documentation — 0.4%

[...] LD (local data version): 1. Navigate to the Customer area by selecting Customers in the left-hand navigation bar 2. Search and select the customer for which you want to provide access to CollisionLinx 3. With the customer selected, click on the “CollisionLinx Setup” link on the right margin of the page – an CollisionLinx .NET setup dialog box will appear. 4. Select the Add Login button.  5. Follow the steps  here .   There are three security Profiles for CollisionLinx users: ExtranetView – provides limited access to CollisionLinx [...]

Verify Count — 0.4%

[...] from the server and make a copy. From the Actions menu, select "Verify Count". The following page will appear: You will see a list of items and their quantities that appear on your document, along with counted quantities and a status for each item.  The document quantities are a snapshot of how that document looked when you started your "Verify Count" process, and will not change unless you us the "Reset" function. Persistent Sessions All your activity is saved immediately while you verify counts on a document.  If you cannot complete a document count [...]

Customers Help Documentation — 0.3%

[...] is used to search, edit, or inquire into the customers on your system. Select Customers from the Navigation Bar or from the Drop Down Menu Accounts Receivable.    Search For Customers The Search For Customers screen is the first screen that is displayed when the Customers task is selected. This screen is used to search for customers that exist on the system. Individual customers can then be selected for inquiry or editing from those displayed.  The work area or screen area is made up of the following three sections: The search fields (top center). [...]

Customer Inventory Help Documentation — 0.3%

[...] for one customer. CustomerInventory_View - Allows the user to see the Customer Inventory screen. Navigation to the Customer Inventory Screen Customer Inventory can only be accessed in the CDN .Net thin client (Utopia). Select the Customer Inventory link in the Left Nav. Open a Customer's Inventory After the Customer Inventory screen is opened a customer needs to be selected from the Bill To: dropdown. The user can accomplish this by typing in the customer's name or number. The dropdown results will display the search results and the user must select the customer. [...]

Returned Goods Purchase Order Help Documentation — 0.3%

[...] Purchase Order Returned Goods PO is used to send goods back to the vendor to receive a credit. Navigation to the Screen Select Create PO/Xfer from the Navigation [...]

Navigation-MobileShop — 0.3%

Mobile Inventory (WMS) Flow and Process Receiving Picking WMS Warehouse RGPO Process Mobile Inventory App Overview Mobile Inventory and CDN Receiving Put Away Picking Item Lookup, UOM Add, UPC Code Update Bin Move Count Sheets Scanner Honeywell Dolphin CN80 Scanner [...]

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