Here you can search through the pages of this Namespace, their attachments and the files uploaded to the system.
Note: the results will only display the items you have permissions to read.
Manufacture Batch This page is where the formulas will affect inventory once the batch is complete. Users can alter the batch; any alterations will not be reflected in the original formula.
Security Permissions to create Manufacture Batches: • Formula_Manufacture_Delete - Allows users to delete an [...]
Formulas Formulas are designed to create templates for the Manufacture Batch page. All batches require a Product formula. There are currently two types of formulas, Product and Packaging.
Security Permissions for creating formulas: • Formula_Save - Allows users to add/edit existing Formulas • Formula_View [...]
Work Order Processing This new functionality allows you to multi select customer work orders for processing in four different ways. NOTE: The current design only allows work orders that are 100% filled to be processed into shipments and invoices. Additional functionality will be added at a later time to handle partial shipments and invoices.
The 4 processing options
Print Pick Slip: Generates a batch of Picking Tickets ready to be pulled, shipped and invoiced. Close: Will let you select work orders [...]
[...] "Actions" menu at the top of the PO screen brings up new dialog box that will show all actively managed orders.
This screen lists all pending orders that have been generated by analyzing your product usage data. You see all the orders that are still being worked before you have completed them as live orders.
Add PO/XFer
If there are no actively managed orders on this screen, click the "Add PO/Xfer" button to add an order. This button takes you to a [...]
[...] CollisionLinx users:
ExtranetView – provides limited access to CollisionLinx functionality – can “view” orders only. ExtranetShopManager – can generate and edit orders and access invoices, statements, and VOC reports for single shop only. ExtranetShopOverall - provides maximum access to CollisionLinx functionality – can generate and edit orders and access invoices, statements, and VOC reports for all shop locations (of a multi-location shop).
CollisionLinx Functions
With the customer set up, he can now login [...]
[...] their customers. It works by calculating a customer’s balance granularly, taking into account shipped orders and un-posted invoices. This feature also allows a high-level employee to temporarily raise the credit limit of a customer for a specific document and a specific amount. Credit Holds only apply to customers with a credit limit, and whose credit status is listed as “Good”. Please note that this feature trumps the existing credit override permissions. Setup
Customer Maintenance Verify that the customer’s Credit Limit is specified. The Credit Limit is used [...]
CollisionLinx Orders
CollisionLinx Orders allows the user to generate orders at the shop and send them directly their distributor.
Associated Permissions
ExtranetCustomer_OnHands_View - Allows the user to see the on hands in the item grid ExtranetCustomer_OnHands_View_Alternate_Location - Allows the user to see other locations' on hands ExtranetCustomer_OrderAddItem - Allows the user to add items to an order ExtranetCustomer_OrderCancel - Allows the user to cancel an order ExtranetCustomer_OrderDeleteItem [...]
Summary Many distributors choose to re-use an open Work Order for weekly or daily orders. The shipments are later combined onto one invoice. This enables the distributor to record and ship items over time, while submitting a single invoice to the customer at the end of the billing cycle. The purpose of the Find Open Work Orders feature is to assist distributors in finding the most appropriate order on which to enter new items. Requirements The Work Order screen in ComCept .Net will show the user a list of “open” orders [...]
A new CollisionLinx Orders, (formerly “Online Orders” page will be released Monday Evening 4-26-2010 and be in effect Tuesday Morning 4-27-2010.
Below is a screenshot of the new page. Functionality tips are located below the image.
Notes on changes:
The link for accessing the order accepting page has been renamed from “ Online Orders” to “CollisionLinx Orders”.
The default opening page for this page has settings to only show Released Orders [...]
How to setup a New CollisionLinx Customer
Purchase Profile Help Documentation [...]
Work Orders
The Work Orders task is a multiple step process that allows the creation of multiple shipments and invoices from the same work order. The steps are:
Create the Work Order.
Print the Work Order (optional).
Print the Picking List (optional).
Create the Shipment from the Work Order.
Print the Picking List (optional).
Print the Packing List (optional).
Create the Invoice from the Shipment.
Select Work Orders from the Navigation Bar or from the Drop Down Menu Order [...]
[...] Holds
Bill over Credit Limit Senarios
Checking for uninvoiced shipments
Closing Open Work Orders
Consignment Cloning
Credits and Refunds
Credits, Creating Credits from Invoices
Credit Card Processing
Customer Count Sheets
Customer Special Pricing
Flow chart of all the processes that create work orders
Free Goods
Emailing Invoices and Credits
Guide for CollisionLinx Orders page
Invoices - Part 1
Invoices - Part 2
Invoice Shipments
Invoice, Creating [...]
[...] from the Drop Down Menu Purchasing .
Purchase Order Screen
This is the Purchase Orders/Xfers screen.
It is important the User and the Location are correct because multiple users and locations can be accessed from the same computer. These are located in the top right area of the screen.
The purchase orders/xfers screen is made up of six areas:
Vendor and shipping information. Purchase order information, search, and control. Item ordering and costing. Customer messages and notes boxes. Purchase order tax [...]
[...] process a Mobile Count Sheet.
Closed Count Sheet - sends the count sheet to CDN .Net Thin Client(Utopia), but doesn't do anything else with it. The count sheet is closed and no further processing can be done to it. Open Count Sheet - Sends the count sheet as open to CDN. Net Thin Client (Utopia). A user at the store can continue to modify the customer count sheet and process it as they choose. Work Order - Sends the count sheet as closed to CDN .Net Thin Client (Utopia) and creates a Work Order out of the [...]
[...] Company Name: This is the legal company name for the customer. This will be printed on invoices, work orders, quotes, statements, etc.
Customer Number: This is a user defined number used to reference the customer. It can be used as a search method for the customer lookup in the Order Entry – Billing tasks. This field is often pre-loaded during conversions with the customer number from your company’s prior computer system.
Short Name: This is a descriptive short name for the customer. It can be used as a search method for the customer in the Order Entry – Billing tasks. [...]
Company-Specific Settings "Line Code" Separator Line Codes are prefixes that can help distinguish between duplicate item codes from different manufacturers. This setting affects how items are selected in Item Code searches throughout ComCept .Net. (You will not change this setting often.)
Please see the help topic on Item Code Search Rules for a complete discussion on this setting.
Always-Visible Buttons on Work Order Screen There are many print options on the work order screen, so these buttons have been grouped [...]
[...] accessed from the same computer. These are located in the top right area of the screen.
The purchase orders/xfers screen is made up of six areas:
Vendor and shipping information. Purchase order information, search, and control. Item ordering and costing. Customer messages and notes boxes. Purchase order tax and totals boxes. Purchase order Actions Icons.
Vendor and Shipping Information:
Purchase Order Information, search, and control:
Item Ordering and Costing:
Customer Messages and Notes Boxes:
Purchase Order Tax and Totals Boxes:
Purchase [...]
Mobile Suite - Orders
Mobile Orders are designed to allow the salesman to create an order for a customer from their mobile device.
Create a Mobile Order
1 Select the Orders button on the Mobile Suite splash screen.
2 Select the Add button.
3 Type and select the customer from the Bill To smart dropdown. The Ship To field will be autopopulated.
4 OPTIONAL Select a different ship to from the Ship To dropdown. All of the ship tos related to the bill to will be available in the dropdown.
5 [...]
Receive PO/Xfer
The Receive PO/Xfer task is used to receive purchaser orders/transfers that were created using the Create PO/Xfer task.
Select Receive PO/Xfer from the Navigation Bar or from the Drop Down Menu Purchasing .
Search for Open PO/Transfer
When the Receive PO/Xfer task is selected, the Search for Open PO/Transfer window is the displayed inside the Manage Bills screen. This search window is used to locate and open the desire PO/Transfer to be received.
This is the Search for Open PO/Transfer window.
Type: Select the desired purchase order [...]
[...] report allows a user to search for all posted transactions based on the parameters supplied.
Purchase Orders The Purchase Orders report is used to display basic invoice information. Select the Edit Parameters button to set a date range or other filters to limit the number of purchase orders displayed on the report. This report has a special ability to display the purchase order when the user selects the desired purchase order ID from the report.
Recurring Billing The Recurring Billing report allows the user to [...]
[...] Security Level 3 or users with the permission, “PurchaseOrder_New” in their roles can create new Purchase Orders.
No More Security Levels in Point of Sale All the ComCept Point-of-Sale functions are now entirely dependent on Permissions, not Security Levels. This change means giving a user Security Level 1 will no longer provide them with access to Invoicing, for example. As you create new users in your data, you must assign them to groups that grant Point-of-Sale permissions, as Security Levels will no longer work.
Note: Purchasing functions, such as the Purchase
[...] soon as your computer gets a connection. There is no longer a need for a separate handheld device. Orders can be signed directly inside Mobile .Net on a touch-screen PC. The salesman can record an order, collect a signature and print a copy for the customer from the same device. Signatures can be captures for multiple documents at once, saving customers time.
Sales Order
Mobile .Net Sales Orders can be signed by the customer directly from the Sales Order page. Simply click the “Sign” button, as shown here:
This will display [...]
[...] Warehouse Management Systems (WMS) we support. It handles all of the allocation, picking and receiving of orders for some of our distributor warehouses. The store Database sends purchase orders and returned goods purchase orders throughout the ePO process to the warehouse database. Once the orders are received they are processed automatically through [...]
Categories Help Documentation [...]
[...] Order will be displayed. If not, the latest Work Order will be displayed. Switch to the Work Order Help Documentation .
Create PO
This option creates a Purchase Order for the items on the Invoice. If the items come from multiple vendors, the Vendor field will be blank. If all of the items come from the same vendor, the Vendor [...]
A/R Credit Holds Help [...]
[...] the Customer Inventory Screen Customer Inventory can only be accessed in the CDN .Net thin client (Utopia). Select the Customer Inventory link in the Left Nav.
Open a Customer's Inventory After the Customer Inventory screen is opened a customer needs to be selected from the Bill To: dropdown. The user can accomplish this by typing in the customer's name or number. The dropdown results will display the search results and the user must select the customer. The user then can select a ship to of the bill to from the Ship To: dropdown.
Once the proper customer is selected [...]
[...] create a CollisionLinx order.Below is a link on how to process the CollisionLinx order.
CollisionLinx Orders
Recurring Billing
The Recurring Billing task allows the creation of invoices from work orders created using the Recurring Billing action found in the Invoices screen. The desired Recurring Billing Work Orders are selected and invoiced from a displayed [...]
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