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Manufacture Batch Documentation — 31.0%

[...] be reflected in the original formula. For further information on how to create a Formula, here is a guide on how to get started: Formula Documentation Security Permissions to create Manufacture Batches: • Formula_Manufacture_Delete - Allows users to delete an existing batch • Formula_Manufacture_Save - Allows users to create, edit, and delete items on a batch • Formula_Manufacture_View - Allows users to see the Manufacture Batch page Preferences On the Inventory tab in Preferences, there are three GL accounts that are required to be set to complete a batch. These [...]

Formulas Documentation — 19.0%

[...] formulas that can be associated with a finished good in a Manufacture Batch. These formulas allow a user to associate specific packaging costs into the price of the finished good (ex: 55 gallon drums and locking lids). Security Permissions • Formula_Save - Allows users to add/edit existing Formulas • Formula_View - Allows users to see the Formula Page Formula Home page 1. Search for formulas using filtering criteria: a. Name - Allows the user to search for any piece of the name b. Description - Allows the user [...]

CollisionLinx Orders Help Documentation — 1.9%

CollisionLinx Orders   CollisionLinx Orders allows the user to generate orders at the shop and send them directly their distributor. Associated Permissions   ExtranetCustomer_OnHands_View - Allows the user to see the on hands in the item grid ExtranetCustomer_OnHands_View_Alternate_Location - Allows the user to see other locations' on hands ExtranetCustomer_OrderAddItem - Allows the user to add items to an order ExtranetCustomer_OrderCancel - Allows the user [...]

Customer Inventory Help Documentation — 1.6%

[...] and populate customer count sheets. Associated Permissions CustomerInventory_BinAdd - Allows the user to add new bins to the customer's bin tree CustomerInventory_BinGet - Allows the bin tree to display all of the bins. CustomerInventory_BinUpdate - Allows the user to update the details of a bin. CustomerInventory_ItemAdd - Allows the user to add new items to bins. CustomerInventory_ItemCopy - Allows the user to copy items from one bin to another bin. CustomerInventory_ItemDelete [...]

CollisionLinx Inventory Help Documentation — 1.4%

[...] populate CollisionLinx count sheets. Associated Permissions CustomerInventory_BinAdd - Allows the user to add new bins to the customer's bin tree CustomerInventory_BinGet - Allows the bin tree to display all of the bins. CustomerInventory_BinUpdate - Allows the user to update the details of a bin. CustomerInventory_ItemAdd - Allows the user to add new items to bins. CustomerInventory_ItemCopy - Allows the user to copy items from one bin to another bin. CustomerInventory_ItemDelete [...]

Customer Count Sheet Help Documentation — 1.1%

[...] levels and what the shop needs to order. Associated Permissions CustomerCountSheet_AddAll - Allows the user to create a customer count sheet out of the customer's inventory CustomerCountSheet_AddBlank - Allows the user to create an empty customer count sheet CustomerCountSheet_AddUsage - Allows the user to see the usage of an item CustomerCountSheet_CreateOrder - Allows the user to create a Work Order out of the customer count sheet CustomerCountSheet_Delete - Allows the user [...]

WO Processing Help Documentation — 1.0%

[...] arrive.  The documentation below describes how each screen functions. Security Setting up User Rights for use of Work Order Processing: The following security tags need to be added to the application user's security groups within your company that will utilize work order processing: WorkOrderProc: Allows access to the Work Order Processing area. WorkOrderProc_ChangeLoc: Allows the user to change store locations to view work orders for. WorkOrderProc_Close: Allows user [...]

Mobile Suite - Count Sheets Help Documentation — 0.7%

[...] SL (stock level) column. The Count Sheet Item Screen will be displayed. This screen will allow the user to add items, count the inventory, calculate the order quantity, reset stock levels, delete items. Add Items   The user can add new items to the shops inventory. When this count sheet is uploaded, the new items will be added to the bins they were assigned to. 1 Select the bin that the item needs to be added to from the Bin dropdown. 2 Type the part number or description into the Item smart dropdown. If description is typed, the [...]

Security Changes 2018 — 0.7%

[...] vs. Roles There are two ways to grant users access to functions in ComCept.  You can either set the user’s Security Level, or you can grant Permissions through one of your many Security Groups. Security Levels Security Levels are assigned to users to indicate how much of the application they can access.  Higher Security Levels allowed access to more functions. A complete explanation of Security Levels can be found here:  Security Levels Groups and Permissions ComCept needed a more granular way to assign permissions than with Security Levels, so we implemented [...]

CollisionLinx Count Sheets Help Documentation — 0.6%

[...] sheets CustomerCountSheet_Print - print the customer count sheet CustomerCountSheet_View - allows the user access to the customer count sheet screen Opening CollisionLinx 1 Open an internet browser. IE is the supported browser. 2 Type collisionlinx.net into the URL field. 3 Type the vendor code into the Vendor field. 4 Type the login into the Login field. 5 Type the password into the Password field. 6 Select the Login button. Navigating to the Count Sheet   Select the Count Sheets tab. Create a CollisionLinx Count Sheet 1 Select the Add New [...]

CollisionLinx Help Documentation — 0.6%

[...] document retrieval in CollisionLinx. In order to set up a customer for CollisionLinx, the ComCept .NET user must be at Security Level 5 or greater – this gives them access to the Customer area within ComCept .NET and consequently the ability to provide customer access to CollisionLinx. CollisionLinx Customer Setup In ComCept .NET LD (local data version): 1. Navigate to the Customer area by selecting Customers in the left-hand navigation bar 2. Search and select the customer for which you want to provide access to CollisionLinx 3. With the customer selected, click [...]

New Data Maintenance — 0.5%

[...] ComCept .Net Data Maintenance is a web-based tool within ComCept .Net that is controlled by ComCept user security.  This tool gives users the ability to manage “maintenance records”, such as customers, inventory and pricing.  Data Maintenance users can add or edit hundreds or even thousands of records at once by manipulating spreadsheets.  Users can work with their data by downloading spreadsheets filled with only relevant fields and records, making necessary changes to the spreadsheets, and uploading them back to the ComCept server.  These updates can even be delayed [...]

DuPont ePO Jobber User Manual — 0.5%

DuPont ePO Jobber User Manual — 0.5%

Security Permission to Security Level Map — 0.4%

[...] sale document and open a new point of sale document afterward POS_ConsignmentCredit ü ü Allow user to change a consignment to a Consignment Credit. POS_Credit_Save ü ü Save Credits. POS_Credit_View ü ü Navigate to the Credit screen. POS_Credit_Void ü Void a credit POS_Invoice_InvoiceShipments ü Send multiple shipments to one invoice POS_Invoice_RelatedShipments ü View related shipments for an invoice POS_Invoice_Void ü Cancel an open invoice POS_PrintPickSlip ü Print Work Order Pick Slip document POS_SalesmanCallIn [...]

Axalta ePOs — 0.4%

[...] the 2nd comma (,) Ship immediately - UPS,10A022,enter any comments you need after the 2nd comma (,) Jobber will pick up the order - Customer Pick-up,10A022,enter any comments you need after the 2nd comma (,) PSD Truckload order (must be full case) Send PO via the Internet From the Create PO/Xfer screen (with the Purchase Order to be sent displayed on the screen) from the Action menu select Send PO via Internet Send Multiple PO’s via Internet To send more than one PO via the Internet, each PO must use all have the same shipping instructions and payment terms. [...]

Employee Help Documentation — 0.4%

[...] clocks out. This is used in conjunction with the Norm Time In field. Application Login Application User Active: This checkbox designates that the employee will be using the CDN system. The box must be selected for an employee to log on and use the software. Offline Admin: This check box is for future use. Use only with ComCept technical support. The Application User box must be selected to enable this field. Security Level: Select the level of security for this employee. See the Security section for details. [...]

Bill over Credit Limit Senarios — 0.4%

Securities needed: POS_BillOverCreditLimit POS_BillOverCreditLimitifCash Scenerios 1. User has BillOverCreditLimit and not BillOverCreditLimitIfCash. Desired result: Allow them to bill the customer 2. User has both BillOverCreditLimit and BillOverCreditLimitIfCash. Desired result: Allow them to bill the customer unimpeded. 3. User has neither BillOverCreditLimit or BillOverCreditLimitIfCash. Desired result: Provide an override for the old permission but not the new permission. 4. User [...]

Legacy Reports Help Documentation — 0.4%

[...] invoices displayed on the report. This report has a special ability to display the invoice when the user selects the desired invoice ID from the report. Payment Batch Detail   The Payment Batch Detail report is used to post payment batches and lookup posted payment batches. A payment batch ID is required to run the report. Once the report displays the desired data and the data is verified for accuracy, a Post button is available at the botton of the report. The Post button posts the payment batch to the accounting location. Payment History The Payment History [...]

Electronic Ordering Process — 0.3%

To send an ePO: From Create PO/Xfer screen move your mouse to Actions and click on Send Multiple ePO’s. Click “Show Search.” Click on Add next to any PO’s to send electronically. Enter any special instructions in Customer Instructions. Click Send. Click OK. You will be taken to the ePO Management screen where you should see the PO has sent. To view sent ePO’s: From the Create PO/Xfer [...]

Password Management — 0.3%

[...] doc. The information: "Passwords will expire based on the number of days you have specified. Once a user's password expires, they will be asked to change their password upon their first successful login." Password Changes Users can change passwords for their accounts, and administrators can change passwords for any user account. Administrator Navigate to Employee Maintenance, search for the desired employee, and supply a new password in the Application Login section, as shown here: User There are two ways [...]

Promotional Pricing Documentation — 0.3%

[...] 6/21/2011 - Initial revision by Rob Gamble 6/28/2011 - Updated screen shots by  Rob Gamble 1/18/2013 - Added support for Minimum Price Summary ComCept .Net allows flexible promotional pricing, and introduces a powerful Price Lookup that simplifies and explains even the most advanced pricing structures. Promotional Pricing DEFINITION Promotional Pricing allows you to create system-wide price profiles that apply to all customers.  These promotional price profiles allow you to define quantity break discounts as well as dated special prices.  Promotions serve to lower the price [...]

Invoice Help Documentation Part 2 — 0.3%

[...] This action updates the on hand quantity. Print (Setup) Displays the print window and allows the user to select which printer the document should print to. Print Preview Displays the Print Preview window. This window displays the invoice. The user can print the invoice from this window. Confirm Save Window The Confirm Save window is displayed if you have made changes to the current screen and attempt to start a new Invoice or to change to another action. Note: This window is not displayed and any changes made are lost if [...]

PricePro Instructions and Setup — 0.2%

[...] available from ComCept Solutions are now handled through the CDN Data Maintenance Application. This guide steps the user through the process of setting up and running a PricePro update. This functionality provides the user total control of what and when to have an update take place. It can be run as many times as needed between the dates prior to the next available update for that manufacturer. This also makes available the ability to add the new part numbers made available by the manufacturer between the previous [...]

Preferences CollisionLinx Tab Help Documentation — 0.2%

[...] Number to submit This setting forces a PO number to be present on an CollisionLinx order when the user wants to submit it to the jobber. Require a ship-via selection to submit, default to empty This setting requires that the CollisionLinx user [...]

Multi-User Count Sheet Guide — 0.2%

Multi-User Count Sheets page has been enhanced evening of 4-26-2010 See below for information. List of changes: The current count sheet list and the add new count sheet have been merged into one page. a. Top of the screen offers a search capability of existing sheets as well as the list of current [...]

Payroll Budgeting Alert Subscription Help Documentation — 0.2%

[...] indicate who will receive emails related to Payroll Budgeting. There are two seperate emails that a user can receive, budgets not submitted and budgets pending approval. The email will be sent to the work email indicated in the Employee Maintenance screen. An email will only be sent if a location associated with the user meets the conditions of the email. Navigation to the Screen The Alert Subscriptions screen can only be accessed in the CDN .Net Thin Client (Utopia). Select Alert Subscriptions in the Human Resources section of the [...]

Consignments Help Documentation — 0.2%

[...] Entry – Billing . Consignments Screen This is the Consignments Screen. It is important the User and the Location are correct because multiple users and locations can be accessed from the same computer. These are located in the top right area of the screen. The Consignments screen is similar to the Invoice screen ecept for: The Consignment Type must be selected. The Consignment buttons are Save, Print and Ship. The action menu contains: Consignment Type : Select the type of consignment that needs to be generated. The Save Consignment button saves [...]

Time Clock - Intro, Security, Accessing the Functions — 0.2%

[...] above, also has use in admin section to locate employees in other locations. TimeClock_Add: Allows user to add additional time card entries. TimeClock_Edit: Allows user to change an existing time clock entry. TimeClock_Delete: This permission is no longer used by the time card program in any way. TimeClockSettings_View: Allows access to the “Define Company-wide Settings” section of Time Clock Admin. TimeClockPayCode_View: Allows access to the “Define Pay Codes” section of Time Clock Admin. TimeClockPayCode_Edit: Allows user [...]

CollisionLinx Login Documentation — 0.2%

[...] with their own security. Consider the following corporate structure: In the diagram above, each user at each location can be assigned a completely different user name, password and list of permissions. CollisionLinx Login Maintenance Customer Selection The CollisionLinx Details link in Customer Maintenance brings you to the CollisionLinx Logins Maintenance page. The customer will be selected at the top of the page, but you can choose another customer once you are here to administer many accounts in one sitting. Related Accounts [...]

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