Everything that changes Inventory Levels - Grouped by Documents

Modified on 01/11/2018 03:11 PM by Sharon Duckett — Categorized as: FAQ, Support

This document is separated by document types.  The first column describes the action.  The second column describes what happens to the inventory.  There are four different quantities per inventory item, On hands, Committed, On order and Available.  All of the actions effect the committed, on hand and/or on order quantities.  The available quantity is a calculated value.  The calculation is on hands minus committed quantities (OH – Committed). 




Local Inventory

Change On Hands (this can only be done once per item per location)

+ or – On Hands


Add an item

-  On Hands

Remove an item

+ On Hands

Close a line

+ On Hands

Void an Invoice

+ On Hands

Write off an Invoice

No Affect

Adjust Transfers

Affects Inventory (+ Discrepancy Amt)

+ On Hands (Sending Location)

Affects Inventory (- Discrepancy Amt)

-  On Hands (Sending Location)


Add an item

No Effect

Remove an item

No Effect

Create a WO

+ Committed

Work Order

Add an item

+ Committed

Remove an item

-  Committed

Close a line

-  Committed

Create Shipment

-  Committed, - On Hands

Create Invoice

-  Committed, - On Hands

Close a Work Order

-  Committed

Create a PO

+ On Order


Add an item

+ On Hands

Remove an item

-  On Hands

Void a Credit

-  On Hands



Add an item

+ Committed

Remove an item

-  Committed

Close a line

-  Committed

Ship a Consignment

-  Committed

Invoice a Consignment

No Affect


Add an item

+ On Hands

Purchase Order

Add an item

+ On Order

Remove an item

-  On Order

Close a line

-  On Order

Close a Purchase Order

-  On Order

Receive a Purchase Order

-  On Order, + On Hands

Returned Goods Purchase Order

Add an item

-  On Order

Remove an item

+ On Order

Close a line

+ On Order

Close a RGPO

+ On Order

Receive a RGPO

+ On Order, - On Hands

Transfer Order

Add an item

+ On Order (Receiving Location)

Remove an item

-  On Order (Receiving Location)

Close a line

-  On Order (Receiving Location)

Close a Transfer

-  On Order (Receiving Location)

Release a Transfer

+ Committed (Sending Location)

Ship the Work Order in the sending location

No Effect 

Receive a Transfer

-  On Hands, - Committed (Sending Location)

+ On Hands, - On Order (Receiving Location)

Quick Transfer Order

Add an item

+ On Order (Receiving Location)

Remove an item

-  On Order (Receiving Location)

Close a line

-  On Order (Receiving Location)

Close a Quick Transfer

-  On Order (Receiving Location)

Release a Quick Transfer

+ On Hands, - On Order (Receiving Location)

– On Hands (Sending Location)

Manage Generated PO/Xfer

Purchase Order

Add an item

No Effect

Remove an item

No Effect

Close a Purchase Order

No Effect

Complete a Purchase Order

+ On Order

Returned Goods Purchase Order

Add an item

No Effect

Remove an item

No Effect

Close a RGPO

No Effect

Complete a RGPO

-  On Order

Transfer Order

Add an item

No Effect

Remove an item

No Effect

Close a Transfer

No Effect

Complete a Transfer without release

+ On Order

Complete a Transfer with release

+ On Order (Receiving Location)

+ Committed (Sending Location)

Quick Transfer

Add an item

No Effect

Remove an item

No Effect

Close a Quick Transfer

No Effect

Complete a Quick Transfer without release

+ On Order

Complete a Quick Transfer with release

+ On Hands (Receiving Location)

-  On Hands (Sending Location)


Radio Beacon*


PO created in the store translated to a WO in the warehouse location

+ On Order (Store)

+ Committed (Warehouse)

RGPO created in the store translated to a Credit in the warehouse location

-  On Order (Store)

+ On Hands (Warehouse)


* This section just indicates the unique document flows of Radio Beacon.  All of the orders are processed normally when they enter or leave Radio Beacon.  A Radio Beacon location also has unique status for its documents.





Add an item

-  On Hands

Remove an item

+ On Hands

Void an Invoice

+ On Hands

Work Order Processing

Close an order

-  Committed

Ship an order

-  Committed, - On Hands

Ship/Invoice and order

-  Committed, - On Hands

Adjust Inventory

Make an adjustment

+ or – On Hands

Count Sheet

Posting a Count Sheet

+ or – On Hands

Document Generation

Create a Purchase Order

+ On Order

Complete a RGPO

-  On Order

Create open Transfers

+ On Order

Create released Transfers

+ On Order (Receiving Location)

+ Committed (Sending Location)

Create Quick Transfers

+ On Hands (Receiving Location)

-  On Hands (Sending Location)




Submit an Order

+ Committed

Submit an order from a Count Sheet

+ Committed


Mobile Suite



Send an Order

+ Committed

Count Sheets

Send as a WO

+ Committed

Send as a CollisionLinx order

+ Committed



Mobile Shop


Send an order to CollisionLinx

+ Committed