Here you can search through the pages of this Namespace, their attachments and the files uploaded to the system.
Note: the results will only display the items you have permissions to read.
CollisionLinx Count Sheets
CollisionLinx count sheets are designed for the body shop or salesmen to count the shop's inventory in order to establish their current levels and what the shop needs to order.
Associated Permissions
CustomerCountSheet_AddAll - create a customer count sheet out of the customer's inventory CustomerCountSheet_AddBlank - create an empty customer count sheet CustomerCountSheet_AddUsage - see the usage of an item CustomerCountSheet_CreateOrder [...]
Customer Count Sheets
Customer count sheets are designed for salesmen to go into a bodyshop and count the shop's inventory in order to establish their current levels and what the shop needs to order.
Associated Permissions CustomerCountSheet_AddAll - Allows the user to create a customer count sheet out of the customer's inventory CustomerCountSheet_AddBlank - Allows the user to create an empty customer count sheet CustomerCountSheet_AddUsage - [...]
Mobile Suite Count Sheet
Mobile count sheets are customer count sheets available in ComCept Suite. In order to build a mobile count sheet, the mobile device needs to have data already downloaded on it.
Create a Mobile Count Sheet
1 Select the Count Sheets button on the Mobile Suite splash screen.
2 Select the Add button.
3 Type and select the customer from the Bill To smart dropdown. The Ship To [...]
Verify Count
The Verify Count feature allows users to check quantities on shipping documents. Before you ship a Work Order, or before you put away the goods on a PO receipt, you can use a barcode scanner to count the inventory and verify that the shipment contains what you expected.
Note: This feature is a tool, and will assist you in verifying counts on documents, but it will not prevent you from shipping or receiving incorrect quantities. It is intended for users who are trying to catch mistakes in picking [...]
[...] page has been enhanced evening of 4-26-2010 See below for information. List of changes: The current count sheet list and the add new count sheet have been merged into one page. a. Top of the screen offers a search capability of existing sheets as well as the list of current count sheets. i. You now select the countsheets for tasks with a check box then choose the task to perform with the buttons located directly under the list of count sheets. b. The bottom [...]
Count Sheets
Pre-Inventory Preparation
Count Sheet List Screen
Creating a new Count Sheet Definition of Active Items Filtering by Manufacturer Filtered Count Sheet Examples ComCept now gives you the ability to choose your count sheet for directed vs undirected. The default will come from preferences, however there is now radio buttons that can override and allow you to select your [...]
[...] item's barcodes. This feature to both WMS Warehouse and store locations. Users have the ability to do count sheets in multiple ways, one way is to utilize alternative UOM scanning ability to WMS count sheets. For example:
If the user scans a box and Eaches are on the count sheet, Eaches will increase by the amount of them in the box.
If the box is on the count sheet it will go to the box instead. and increase by one unit.
Security permissions needed: WMS Picking
Barcode/UPC's [...]
Count Sheets
Count [...]
[...] Inventory Customer Inventory is used to maintain the customer's inventory, bins and populate customer count sheets.
Associated Permissions CustomerInventory_BinAdd - Allows the user to add new bins to the customer's bin tree CustomerInventory_BinGet - Allows the bin tree to display all of the bins. CustomerInventory_BinUpdate - Allows the user to update the details of a bin. CustomerInventory_ItemAdd - Allows the user to add new items to bins. CustomerInventory_ItemCopy - Allows the user to copy items from one bin to another bin. CustomerInventory_ItemDelete - Allows [...]
[...] Committed, - On Hands Adjust Inventory Make an adjustment + or – On Hands Count Sheet Posting a Count Sheet + or – On Hands Document Generation Create a Purchase Order + On Order Complete a RGPO - On Order Create open Transfers + On Order Create released Transfers + On Order (Receiving Location) + Committed (Sending Location) Create Quick Transfers + On Hands (Receiving Location) - On Hands (Sending Location) CollisionLinx [...]
[...] locations, etc.
Adding New Part Number Procedure
Bin Items
Count Sheets
Customer Count [...]
[...] and CDN
Put Away
Item Lookup, UOM Add, UPC Code Update
Bin Move
Count Sheets
Scanner Honeywell Dolphin CN80 Scanner User Manual and other Downloads
Mobile Suite ComCept Mobile Application Suite - Software Releases/Updates - User guide
Status changes for Mobile Suite documents
Mobile Suite - Signatures
Mobile Suite - Count [...]
[...] received was correct.
The Shipment location has adjusted the difference through the Physical Inventory Count Sheet functionality: How to Proceed:
- Do Not select Affect Inventory , select the corresponding line items and select Transfers in Transit for the Write Off Account .
- For the General Ledger to be correct a journal entry adjusting the Transfers in Transit account balance has to be done (assuming that the count [...]
Adjust Inventory
Count Sheets
Inventory Level Changes
Flow chart of all the documents in ComCept .Net
Multi-User Count [...]
[...] Types WMS Warehouse
All Mobile functionality: Receiving, Put Away, Picking, Item Lookup, Bin Move, Count Sheets Multiple bin associations per item.
WMS Store
Only Mobile functionality: Receiving, Picking, Item Lookup, Count [...]
[...] Credits and Refunds
Credits, Creating Credits from Invoices
Credit Card Processing
Customer Count Sheets
Customer Special Pricing
Flow [...]
[...] an inventory item. This is true of Invoicing and other point-of-sale screens, inventory adjustments, count sheets and virtually anywhere an item is affected. [...]
[...] allow pay codes to apply to overtime based on each employee type and can now select which pay code will count as the regular or overtime pay. Overtime [...]
Employee Pay Rate : The employee pay rates will be multiplied by the number of hours worked and count towards the overall payroll budget.
Q: [...]
[...] guide
Status changes for Mobile Suite documents
Mobile Suite - Signatures
Mobile Suite - Count Sheets
Mobile Suite - Orders
Mobile [...]
[...] features available within the application. At this time only Replenishment is currently active. The Count Sheets , Orders , and Item Lookup features [...]
[...] CollisionLinx Item Lookup Help Documentation
CollisionLinx Inventory Help Documentation
CollisionLinx Count Sheets Help Documentation
[...] attribute is called SalesSummaryAttributesExclude and will need to be assigned to customers that should not count towards Payroll Budgeting.
CollisionLinx Inventory is used to maintain the customer's inventory, bins and populate CollisionLinx count sheets.
Associated Permissions
CustomerInventory_BinAdd [...]